Chapter 22 - The Run

Start from the beginning

"You're gonna fall" Shao Long rolled his eyes, but was ignored.

"What are you gonna do while I'm running?" Shao Jun asked instead.

"Some of the business affair is saved in my phone. I'll attend to that" Shao Long waved his phone as he sat on the bench of the bus stop.

"When have you ever not bring that thing with you? Aren't you bored? Can't someone else do it for you?" Shao Jun glanced at his brother with an unnoticeable frown.

"I don't trust anyone other than the two of you. So no. Xueyang also has ration of work, you have yours. Mine is mine. Relax, I'm fine" Shao Long grinned.

"............We are all bad liars in the end after all" Shao Jun rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you're lying. As always. You think I didn't notice that you're tired? These days you keep annoying me".

"Well sorry for being annoying" Shao Jun laughed. Consider it as payback. Shao Jun also annoyed him sometimes. Why can't he?

"I'm serious, you idiot" Shao Jun stopped his movement and turned to Shao Long "Don't do it again".

"I'll try my best to please my little twin brother" Shao Long once again smiled.

"Ugh, you'll be the death of me" Shao Jun groaned before getting back to the tar track. With a sharp inhale, he ran at full speed, leaving Shao Long alone at the bus stop. He was so fast. Pent up energy of 16 years of life, huh?

"And you of mine, brother. And you of mine" Shao Long mumbled quietly to himself, his smile never leaving him as his brother's figure disappeared from his sight.


"Yeah right. Work this work that. When will he start thinking about himself? Pshh, maybe never" Shao Jun mumbled as he ran and ran without a care in the world. The other students who was jogging there could only drop their jaws by his speed. They didn't know whether it was Shao Long or Shao Jun. They knew Shao Long was athletic, but not even he would run in such a high speed for nothing.

Shao Jun didn't mind all the staring. He was releasing his stress. His frustration, and the heavy feeling off his chest. Shao Long had been on his mind for a long time. He never actually left. Shao Long was confusing. One second he was smiling and in another, you can see him break down. In some way he was lovely, and in the rest, he's annoyingly selfless.

He wanted to do something for him, but there wasn't much he could do. He was taught by Shao Long in business etiquette, so whatever it is that Shao Long didn't want him to know, he could.

He didn't know what to do at all.

Shao Jun decided not to think of it any more and continued to enjoy his run. It felt refreshing. Indeed he was tired, but his legs kept going on. He wanted to do this since he was little. Every time he saw the athletes on TV, he would try to immitate running like them. What a joke, he could run now, and he couldn't feel more free. No restrains, no boundaries.

If only he knew better.

Just as he thought about how great ot would be to be able to run everyday ( Yo Shao Jun, I can't relate cuz I don't run), Shao Long's prediction came true. He tripped. Over his own leg. In the most humiliating way possible. Cuz his footwork isn't nearly correct at all.......

You can say he's a clumsy runner. His strides are not even straight.

"What the- OWW!!!" Aaaand Shao Jun fell on the tar track. It was pretty bad actually, he couldn't fix his stance in time, and he was too distracted that his hands couldn't support himself from falling. Now, both his knees are scraped, left elbow too. Nasty scrathes on his right forearm and his left cheek. Pretty nasty.

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