Couch Vibes

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On the car ride back to SIX base, Jager looks out the window the whole time. Bandit leans his head against his shoulder and looks out the window too. Jager feels around for his hand, once he grabs it he holds it. Blitz who was driving, looked back and smiled. He looks forward and kept driving towards base. Once they arrive, everyone was standing outside waiting for them. Once they got out of the car, they both got hugs and comments. Montagne comes up to Jager. "You doing okay buddy?" He asks. Jager smiles "Could be worse. Thanks by the way, for helping me." Montagne nods and walks away.

Once they were done talking to all there friends, and there fellow teammates Jager and Bandit met up at the lounge. Jager smiles and lays down on the coach there. Bandit turns the television on and lays on the coach with Jager, he was behind him. He wrapped his arms around him and Jager held his arm. Bandit leaned his head on his shoulder. And he passed out in the lounge, Jager soon doing the same.

A few hours later IQ and Jackal came into the lounge. Jackal shook both Jager and Bandit until they were both awake. "You guys passed out on the lounge couch. Mind if you guys take this somewhere else? I just want to watch the new episode of Tiger King." Jager squints and gets up first. Bandit soon follows. Bandit stands right next to Jager, wrapping his arm on his back onto his hip. Jager leans against Bandit and they walk towards Bandits room, cause it was closer. Bandit opens his door and Jager follows. It's pitch black, they both take there t shirts off, and there pants. They both get onto the bed. After struggling to find each other they grab onto each other, cuddling.

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