Updated and Edited Chapters

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Hey, all!

Hope you're staying safe and healthy during these awkward times.

Each chapter now features an image of what we've imagined our main characters look like! Be sure to have a look! The images are labeled! (I'll remind you) 🥰

We've edited all 10 of the beginning chapters, changing Julia's name to Jessie, and improving some of the writing in the very beginning. We highly suggest you go back and read, since we've added some detail as well. If not, that's cool!

Also posted are the next 5 chapters. Get ready! Shit's about to hit the fan.

For those of you who have gotten this far, thank you so much! We really appreciate it, as we've now been working on this story for almost a year! Be sure to leave us a vote and comment! We'd love to know what you think!

No spoilers, but we are fully aware that as of the FFVII Remake's release, the original storyline has undergone some major changes. We will not be changing our storyline as a result, although you may see something from us in the future!

Stay tuned! We will be updating more regularly from now on.

With love,


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