Chapter 11- Après Moi, Le Déluge

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Jessica enters the compound with a surprise for Hayley, who is studying the painting Davina has made, upset that she angered Elijah by telling Sophie where to find his past lover's body. "Hey, Hayley. How's baby Mikaelson?"

Hayley looks up, shocked no matter which doppelgänger is talking to her, but she sees the cross and realizes that it's Jessica. "What are you doing here?" She asks, wondering if they found Davina, not realizing that Jess doesn't know.

"I came to see you. I know that you've been looking for your family and I sent you here because I know someone from your pack. We were actually pretty good friends when I was here so I started looking into a cure for them and I found it," she says, giving her a paste mixture. "I know it looks gross but put it into some gumbo and Jack says they'll eat anything. I figured you could give it to them the next full moon since I'm assuming that you're planning on heading to the bayou to meet them anyway."

Hayley looks at her in awe. The girl whose boyfriend she slept with, the girl who comforted her best friend after Hayley slept with her boyfriend as well yet she is helping her once again. "Why do you do it?" She can't help but ask and Jessica looks at her confused.

"Do what?"

"You have every right to hate me yet, every chance you get, you protect me, help me. I don't get it."

Jessica laughs. "I don't hate you because even if you slept with Nik and Ty, you didn't make them cheat, that was their choice. As for protecting you, I'm protecting your child, not you, and I didn't make the cure for you to be with your family I made it because Jack helped me control my shift when I was a scared 16-year-old who had just lost her parents and triggered her curse in the process."

"Well, thank you anyway. Even if it isn't for me," Hayley smiles at her, and Jessica returns it.

"Of course, besides it'll be better for the baby if she has a pack to protect her as well as the originals and a few powerful witches," she says with a grin. "You're going to be a great mom, Hayley, and as much as he's worried, Nik will be a good dad and he won't try to shove you out, even if he seems the type. I promise." Hayley nods so Jessica smiles once more before leaving, going to get ready for her next class.


After searching for what felt like hours, with a small detour when they had to consecrate their mother on the plantation, Rebekah decided to go to Thierry to try and find Marcel. He tells her where he thinks he might be and Rebekah finds the pair. She goes to walk in when she hears Davina. "I had a dream that none of this happened. That I wasn't chosen and Tim asked me out on a date and it ended with a kiss and we were just normal."

"That sounds like a beautiful dream," Rebekah starts as Marcel asks why she's there, which she ignores. "But it was just a dream." Marcel begins to argue with Rebekah until he asks why Jessica isn't there and she confesses that Jessica doesn't know. Marcel is about to use that, until Davina opens her mouth.

"Marcel, it's okay," she starts. "I'll die whether I do this or not. I mean, now the only option is-- is whether I take everyone with me. If you look at it that way, it's kind of selfish not to do it."

"There has to be another way. This is not how it ends," he insists but she simply smiles weakly.

"And if it is... If this is all I have, I've had a lot. I had Monique, and I had Tim, and I had two people who fought for me from the moment they met me. I always imagined what it was like for Monique to have Sophie so willing to fighter for her but thanks to you and Jessica, I know. You would both destroy the whole world to save me."

"Aw, Davina," he says with tears in his eyes.

"Most people don't get that even if they live to be a hundred. Marcel, I'm ready there is only one thing," she whispers, looking at Rebekah, who listens eagerly. "I need Jessica to be there. I can't do this without her." Rebekah nods and heads for the cemetery, calling Jessica and explaining the situation.

Jessica arrives seconds after Davina and Marcel and instantly runs to Davina, hugging her tightly as the rain covers her tear. "D, you can't do this. There has to be another way. You were doing so well with the control," she sobs but Davina only smiles at her.

"It's okay, Jessica. I asked for this. It's the right thing to do. Thank you for fighting for me and for being the big sister I never had and a better mom than the one I was given. You're the best friend a girl could ask for."

Jessica nods as another sob racks her body until Vivianne and Meredith leave Klaus and Elijah to pull her into a hug as Sophie begins. She asks if Davina believes in the harvest and after she says she does, Sophie slits her throat and Marcel rushes to catch her body and lay it down gently. Sophie intends to finish the sacrifice but even though the rain stops, Davina stays dead. Marcel glares at Klaus before speeding away as Jessica turns to Vivianne. "Someone stole the power, I can feel it and I get the feeling that whoever was resurrected aren't friends," she whispers before following Marcel.

She finds him in the courtyard of the compound destroying things and she knows he is angry at Klaus and as much as she shares that anger, she is even angrier at the man standing before her. "This is your fault," she snarls and Marcel spins to face her. The wind picks up as the elements react to her extreme anger, showing her connection to nature. "I should've told you to screw yourself when you told me to leave Davina in New Orleans. I should've brought her back to Mystic Falls. She could still be alive but you just let her die!"

"You think you're the only one that cared about her?" He scoffs and she sneers.

"Apparently I'm the only one who cared enough. You locked her in an attic to control the witches, you didn't tell her about Agnes, Klaus poisoning her might have been what ruined her thin control but that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't lost her trust in you and ran away! She is gone and that is on you, Marcel! You killed her and now I get to mourn yet another person that I love." With that, the brunette leaves him looking guilty as her words sink in while she heads to her boyfriend's room, trying to control her anger.

She's unsuccessful, however, and her anger fuels a terrible plan that begins the second he steps past the threshold. "Jessica," he begins, but she is angry and wants him to feel the sadness and guilt she feels for not saving Davina.

"Don't. Were you planning on telling me?" She demands and he looks down in guilt but she continues. "What, were you just going to kill Davina and hope I wouldn't find out?"

"She was meant to return-"

"But she didn't! She's dead and that is on you and Marcel. Had you not poisoned her she wouldn't have lost her control in death! You killed her because that's what you do, you kill everything good that surrounds you," she begins and watches as each harsh word pushes him further over the edge. "I thought that you were wrong for pushing everyone away but you were right because you ruin everything, Klaus. You hurt and kill people for your own enjoyment. You probably don't even care that Davina is dead because you planned to kill her anyway, right? At least this way you didn't have to do your own dirty work!" Klaus loses it and before he can process his actions, he's holding her against the wall by her throat.

"That's not true. I realized my mistake and tried to stop it. I didn't want her dead and I didn't want to see what it did to you and Marcel."

Jessica can feel her consciousness waver but she knows she needs to push him further if she is to accomplish her goal, so she pushes him further. "Say what you want, Klaus, but I know the truth. You're a worthless, selfish, coward. You wanted her dead because she was more powerful and just like her, you'll kill me because you fear power. You'll always be that terrified little boy, scared of daddy's whip," she spits and it's as though Klaus' brain shuts down, and before either of them can process, he's bit into his wrist and shoved it into her mouth, forcing the blood down her throat.

"That's where you're wrong, love, I won't lose you," he whispers before snapping her neck and allowing her body to fall to the floor. He looks at it for a few seconds before realizing what he's just done. He knows that she'll be angry when she wakes but it will be fine. He will apologize and prove to her that he does feel upset about Davina's death, until he sees it. He stops breathing as he approaches the dresser, praying to anybody who will listen that he is hallucinating, but when he grabs it, he knows that he is not. There, in his hand, is the feather necklace that he gave Jessica to wear, the necklace that he wore for a thousand years, the necklace that allows her to come back as herself any time she dies even with vampire blood in her system.

The necklace slips from his grasp as he realizes that when Jessica wakes up, things won't be fine. She'll be in transition.

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