chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up in a strange room with a sore body, I was immediately on edge. I got out of bed and crept down the hall to the top of the steps where I heard voices coming from downstairs. All male which put me on edge even more.

“How long has it been now?” one said it sounded like Klaus

“About a day now. She will wake up soon her heads all healed that has to mean something” that one sounded like Elijah and it sounded like he had been crying

“Why can’t you just admit that she’s dead? Gone and never coming back” now that one made me mad it was Damon and he had no right to be here if he didn’t care. So I silently crept down the steps and toward the living room where I knew they were. “well maybe that’s because unlike some fuckers they have hearts and don’t hold grudges against their siblings for a century and a half and try and make their lives a living hell.” I said making all three of them jump out of their skin. All of their heads whipped around so fast I thought they would get whip lash.

“You know it’s not very nice to talk about someone when they are dead. I mean I could’ve came back as a ghost a tortured you for the rest of eternity. Wait, I could still do that only I wouldn’t be a ghost” I laughed and watched as Klaus smiled at me. I smiled back a leaned against the door frame. Damon got up, walked over to me and poked my cheek. I whipped my hand out and he went flying into the wall and slid down to the floor. I watched as my two brothers started laughing, and I cracked a smile.

I walked into the kitchen twenty minutes later with my glass. I went to the fridge and pulled out the mountain dew and went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka. “You know you shouldn’t drink dear. It’s not very lady like” said a woman’s voice. I spun around and sitting there was my mother I spirit form. I set down the bottles and looked at her. “W-w-what are you doing here? How are you here?” I stuttered out. “I am here to visit my favorite child. I heard what you said to me before you shot yourself and I’m sorry to say it is not your time yet. So you cannot come and spend eternity with me yet.”

I looked at her completely dumbfounded. “Why not mother. All I want to do is be rid of these senseless people. They don’t understand me the only one that ever did was you mommy. I have spent the last thousand years of eternity alone, I JUST WANT IT TO END!” I yell the last part and she looks at me sadly and disappears just as Klaus, Elijah, and Damon run into the room. I look at them with no emotion on my face. “Yes what do you boys need?”

­­­­­­­­­­They looked at me like I had lost my mind. “why did you scream ‘I just want it to end’?” Klaus asked. “Well dear brother that’s for me to know and you to, dot dot dot” with that I walked back into the living room and grabbed my bottle of vodka and my two liter of mountain dew on my way. I plopped onto the couch and looked up at the ceiling and smirked “What you going to do spank me?” I said and laughed.

I opened the bottles and took a swig of each, and watched as my brothers and the nuisance walked into the room. “You know sister you are worrying me right now with what you are saying” Elijah said as he sat next to me. I looked at him and smiled “would you like to know why I, acting like this?” I ask


I nod “ok, I am upset with mother” he looks at me funny

“How could you be upset with mother you haven’t seen or talked to her in over a thousand years”

“Well you see brother I just spoke with her, AND QUITE FRANKLY SHE WAS A BITCH!” I yell the last part hopping she will hear me.

“how did you speak to her?”

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