chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Twyla’s POV:

It was a normal day going to mystic falls high school. I woke up got in the shower, got dressed in black skinny jeans, an avenged sevenfold tee, my monster hoodie and my vans and got into my black 69’ Chevy3h nova and drove to school. It is my last year and I am ecstatic. My sister is a freshman and so are most of my friends.

I got to the school and got out. Instantly I was bombarded by people. I really don’t like having a lot of close friends. See I have a business that I do and it isn’t exactly safe. I am a vampire hunter, I don’t kill all the vamps I come across but 90% of them I do. I have a hard enough time keeping this from my aunt Jenna, my sister Elena and my brother Jeremy.

“TWYLA!” Elena screams. I look over and wait for her to come over to me. When she reaches me she’s out of breath and panting. “Omg Twyla. There is this new kid and he is so cute he’s a grade above me.”

I look at her like she’s crazy. “That’s why you came running over like a zombie was trying to eat you?” she looked up at me “well yeah why else would I?” I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I was in my first period class sitting by Elena when a cute boy walked in and sat next to us. “Hey I’m Stefan” I looked at him “Well considering my sister ran up to me talking about you I’m assuming you met so I’m Twyla, Elena’s sister” I smirked at Elena who was beet red and turned around in my seat.

At lunch I was sitting outside on the tables with Matt, Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, and Bonnie when a cute guy walked up and sat next to Stefan. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Stefan. He held his hands up in mock surrender and looked at the boy. “What are you doing here Damon? You don’t even go to school anymore.” The boy whose name is apparently Damon looked up and smirked. “I couldn’t miss my little brothers first day to a new school now could I?” I just rolled my eyes and ate my food. My phone started ringing and I sighed annoyed already knowing who it is I got up and walked away from the table.

“Hello, Twyla is not able to answer her phone please never call again thank you” I went to hang up when he stopped me.

“Now now love, that’s not very nice. I just wanted to call and see how your first day of school was going” I laughed.

“you know Klaus you are one of the few vampires that I like and that’s saying something” he laughed “ you know I could say the same for you but you refuse to let me turn you my dear. We could spend eternity together” I could almost hear the smile on his face.

“You know I would take you up on that offer but who’s to say I won’t end up like our father?” he sighed I smiled “you know I will always be with you, just like I have for the past thousand years dear brother”

He laughed “I know love now back to your fake family before they start to suspect something” I laughed really laughed for the first time in years “yes dear brother but when will I see you again? I miss you terribly” he sighed “soon, very soon my dearest” I sighed happily and hung up

I went back to the table and started eating again. The brothers were giving me weird looks so just as Stefan was taking a bite and Damon was taking a drink I said “I know what you are, vampires” under my breath so no one but them could hear me and just as I planed they both spit out what they had in their mouths. I couldn’t hold it back anymore I lost it and started cracking up making myself fall off of my bench.

Once I calmed down I stood up to see them staring at me wide eyed and just smirked and walked away. On my way to my car I got my phone out to text my big brother.

Me:  I’m working on some new vampires. The Salvatore brothers. 

Klaus: hahaha good I can’t wait to get into town. I’ll be there in………..well tomorrow……………or tonight like 2am

Me: YAY! I can’t wait. Where I’ll meet you name a place.

Klaus: meet me outside the Salvatore boarding house at 230!

I turned around and went straight to Damon grabbed him by the arm and drug him to somewhere we wouldn’t be heard “so what are you doing tonight?” he smirked “why?” I sighed “look I know you got feelings for my ‘sister’ so ill just ask I want you to keep her from your house tonight and I need to speak to you and Stephan around 230am ok?” he eyed me warily “why so late?” I rolled my eyes “because its when I can and I know you two want to know about me and my origins” he looked at me “fine we’ll see you then” I smirked and walked away.

I was sitting at the grill when Elena walked in and sat next to me and ordered vodka. “hey what’s wrong sis?” she sighed and looked at me “oh nothing just found out my boyfriend isn’t human” I just looked at her dumbfounded “how did you find out?” she looked at me “well he told me to meet him after school and when he wasn’t there I went to find him. I found him just not how I thought I would. He was in the woods and he was eating a deer and his face was all-“ she cut off

“Vamped out?”

“yeah how did you know?”

“well I’m what you could classify as a vampire hunter. And don’t get mad but I’m not exactly your family”

“what do you mean?”

“I mean that I’m over a thousand years old, and I’m the sister of an original vampire, your parents took me in to train me to be a better hunter. PLEASE DON’T BE MAD!”

“it’s ok Twyla, I get it, it’s not your fault”

“so you mean your not mad?”

“no I’m not” I threw myself at her and wrapped her in the biggest hug ever.

“thank you sooo much! But I need you to do me a favor tonight, just stay inside until I get home please my actual brother is coming to see me and I don’t want you getting hurt”

“ok Twy I will” I got up hooked her arm with mine and walked out to my car and drove home.

When we got home Elena convinced aunt Jenna and Jeremy to stay in and have a movie night with her because her and Stefan had a fight. So I went upstairs and stripped down to my underwear and went to my bathroom. I got in the shower and let the hot water relax all my tense muscles. I quickly washed up and got out and dried off. I went into my closet and got my underwear on. I pulled out a pair of black leather pants and a plain black stretchy shirt and my leather jacket and black boots.

I walked downstairs and every head turned towards me. “where are you going all dressed up?”

“well Jenna since Elena knows already, I am going to meet my biological brother. So I got to go.” With that I walked out and got into my car and made my way to the Salvatore house.

Ten minutes later I was standing in the parlor of the boarding house waiting for the brothers to get home.  After raiding the fridge I heard the door open and voices. “you know brother if you didn’t screw up so many times I wouldn’t have to keep saving your ass.” I heard laughter and a scoff.

“you know if you weren’t undead I wouldn’t have to contemplate killing you” I announced as I walked out of the kitchen making both the brothers jump. I laughed when they whirled around to face me “but my brother is to be arriving soon so I guess I will have to wait on that.”

They looked at me like I was crazy and then looked at each other “wait who’s your brother?” Damon asked I looked at him and smirked “oh you’ll have to see. You’ll love this, well at least I will”

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