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Days had passed since Darcy was reverted back to her 8-year-old self. Wanda attempted to fix it but learned that Darcy was not letting her inside in order to fix it.

Darcy was attached to Natasha due to the fact that her bright red hair tricked her into believing she was her mother. She was also attached to Steve, constantly comparing him to her beagle.

Tony always got a kick out of it whenever Darcy cooed at Steve and said he was a good boy even though he towered over her.

Steve became her best friend, while Bucky bullied her because she always asked too many questions. This was one of those moments.

Darcy was sitting on a bench in the gym with Bucky next to her. Steve had been on his way to the gym, but once Darcy caught sight of him, she quickly attached herself to his leg, which led to him bringing her along.

"Is that really metal?" she asked.


"Are you sure? Because sometimes foil looks like that."

"It's metal."

She brought her fist down on his arm, causing him to narrow his eyes at her. "Oh - it is metal."

Steve was punching the punching bag furiously, completely focused on it. Bucky was certain he would tear that one apart, but he wasn't going to stop him from doing so.

"If I take your metal arm, do you have another one under it?" she asked.

"What, you mean my metal arm is a cast? No, it's my arm."

"What happened?" she asked.

He shrugged, eyes fleeting back to Steve who was now walking over to them. He glanced back at the discarded punching bag. "An accident."

"Oooooo, I had an accident once," she said. "I fell off my scooter." She gasped and turned to Steve. "I want a scooter!"

"Take her," commanded Bucky.

Steve chuckled, beckoning for Darcy. She bounded into his arms, climbing up until her legs were wrapped around his waist.

Bucky smiled faintly at that. It was an odd sight: a grown woman with the mind of an 8-year-old clinging onto a 97-year-old who looked twenty-seven. Steve was always good with children, acting like a superhero and older brother to them during dark times, even with his puny stature.

"You hear that, Steve? She wants a scooter," mused Bucky.

Steve sighed. "Yeah, we'll add that to the list of other things she wants. I'm sure Tony will get a kick out of it when she demands one."

EXECUTIONER'S SONG. ❪ Steve Rogers ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now