Chapter 1: How Does One Even Begin High School

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~~~~~~~ ¥ .Chloe. ¥ ~~~~~~~

High School. How am I supposed to feel right now, because I dont even know.

Am I automatically going have to be nice to all the lower and upper class men because freshman are the easiest people to pick on just because they're new.

Yeah I'm a freshman that's expecting the best four years of her high school experience. I'm the type of girl who loves to read teen fiction stories and loves to imagine her self in those types of situations. The girl that loves all the cliche types of things. From romance to the high school experience.

Not going to lie I do want the whole high school experience the one that experience the drama, the romance, and the other high school experiences there are.

Six o'clock in the morning ready to go to school when it doesnt even start til 8:40 in the morning. Little too early, but as I always think "Better to be safe than sorry" and that's the only serious thing I keep for as long as I can remember.

An hour and a half later my dad and sister are ready to go.

My little sister, Kayla, is so lazy and so unexcited for the first day of school. She's starting kindergarten today and she couldn't care less, while I'm imagining the worst scenarios that could happen on the first day of high school.


The bell just rang for first period and I'm secretly thanking my mother in my head for forcing me to go to band camp in June so I could at least know where certain rooms were at the school.

Yes, I'm in band and let's just say my clarinet has always been there for me when I didn't even understand myself.

My first period is "Marching Band" according to my wrinkled up schedule that I got in August, while still in band camp.

Sometimes band consisted of just playing our stand tunes that we played during the football games. Or practicing the show we played for half time. Since I'm a "reinforcement" ,as they called it, I was having troubles with marching and playing at the same time, so I would just play when I was told and march when I was told.

First, second and third period went by faster than expected. Since the first day of school is usually the "get to know everyone" day it got pretty boring pretty fast.

Second and third period were both all freshman classes which are pretty boring, since I don't really like talking to people the same age as me. I usually get pretty immature and don't want to make a bad impression.


Lunch just finished and that means my spanish native speaker is next meaning there might be sophomores in there.

Turns out it's half and half of sophomores and freshman, and one junior that just wanted to get her language credits. This native speaker class gives you two credits in one year. Giving me the chance to just take one year of language and be done with my language credits for high school, or that's what I heard at least.

Fifth period, Chemistry, is the only class I was dreading.

Being in a class full of sophomores seems pretty scary to me.

Just try and be one of them if they dont find out you're a freshman you can be safe and won't even have to worry.I thought to myself.

I walked up to my teacher Mr. Larson and asked him where my assigned seat was. He pointed to where my seat was and I sat in the chair.

And then He walked in.

Walked in with dark brown eyes roaming across the room when all of a sudden they land on me. Making eye contact I suddenly feel my stomach pop just a little. What was that?

And all of a sudden Mr. Larson points at my row two seats away from me. And he starts walking to his seat, while a smirk started to appear on his face. And that's when I almost lost it. What is happening? What is this I'm Feeling? Goodness what's going on in my head?

I don't even think I'm going to survive at least a month in this class. Please give me patience.

~~~~~~~£ .Hunter. £~~~~~~~

I walked in to chemistry just expecting all the usual faces of the sophomore population at Jefferson High. Until I walked into the door, I thought I was in the totally wrong classroom seeing how it was empty and the only person was Mr. Larson and . . .


She looked so scared when I walked in, as if she saw a ghost.She looked so different giving me a strange feeling in my gut. I've never seen her around berfore which was unusual since I knew everyone at this school, from nerds to jocks.

Mr. Larson pointed to my assigned seat which to her and my surprise was in the same row two seats away from her seat. I start to walk to my seat with a smirk starting to form on my face.

I discovered was that I had a mission and that mission was to find out who this girl was, why I hadn't met her sooner, and to find out why she was giving me this strange feeling that actually felt good.


Hello to whoever is reading this and thank you for reading. Anyways this is my new story and I hope you guys will join me on this adventure and well just enjoy it as well

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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