Suicide Mission - Kaigaku

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A request from my beautiful Kohai, your wish is my command! ♡

I've been CRAVING some angst too and I guess I shouldn't continue to bully Oikawa SKSISUSH

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His life hadn't been full of sunshine and rainbows. Not in the least. There were plenty of orphans out there, children left to fend for themselves after demons ravaged their homes and their families or maybe just abandoned because their mothers couldn't be bothered to raise them. He was also an orphan. But he was much smarter than the others and far more clever. That's something he always thought true about himself. But sitting here with his comrade and lover bleeding out in his arms, he was starting to question just how clever he really was.

"Why'd you have to come? Why couldn't you have stayed at the Butterfly Estate? Why are you so fucking stubborn?" his voice was starting to crack as he ran through the dense forest, the moon the only source of light. Catching sight of a large tree, he ducked behind it before carefully placing you on the ground. He mumbled a quick apology, ripping open the front of your uniform to cater to the wound in your abdomen. It was deep, the arm of the demon had almost come clean through to the other side of your body before he managed to slice it off. It was all you could to stay conscious at this point.

"Hey, eyes on me," his usually demanding voice was laced with desperation as he applied the ointment to your flesh. You had to live. He needed you to live.

"You're being too usual," you attempted a chuckle and winced. Your voice was becoming hoarse and his eyebrows scrunched even more at the sound, sweat trickling down his forehead. He was tired and annoyed but above all he was scared. Meaning he was in no mood for your shitty humor. But that was you, always making light of the heaviest situations, always laughing at the stupidest things. It was aggravating to say the least, but also...very charming. It was probably what drew him to you in the first place.

"Do me a favor a shut up. Talking isn't exactly gonna stop the bleeding," he finally met your gaze with his but only for a second, placing the gauze back into his first aid pouch.

"You sure? You're not exactly a medical specialist..,"


He moved to survey the area without moving more than two feet away. He was being more than a little cautious, weighing his options while trying to stay on guard, and all while trying to keep an eye on your condition. It was sweet really, but-

"Kaigaku," your voice was soft but it still caused him to jump the slightest bit ,"You should go. I don't think-"

"Shut up. Don't you dare finish that sentence," his eyes narrowed as he moved to glare back at you. You beckoned him over and he hesitated for half a second before moving to crouch in front of you once more. His eyes fell to your freshly bandaged wound only to let out a shaky breath at the sight. He'd just wrapped it and already your blood had started to pool through.

He was running out of time.

"Hey," your voice brought his eyes back up to yours. If his leg wasn't fractured, he could move faster. If his ribs weren't broken, he could carry you all the way to the Estate. If he were stronger, he could kill this demon. But he couldn't. And he wasn't...,"You need to leave me behind. I'm only slowing you down. Besides...pretty sure we both know I won't make it."

He opened his mouth to protest but couldn't quite find any words. Taking his silence as an opportunity, you gave his parted lips a sweet kiss ,"You don't have any more time to waste. Hurry up and go...I'll buy you some time."

Using the tree for support you managed to stumble to your feet. He stood up with you, his turquoise eyes trained on your face a full five seconds before turning away. He couldn't bear to look at you anymore. Not when he knew he'd never get to see your smile again. And like the coward he knew he was, he ran.

He just...ran.

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Sorry this is garbage lmaooo

-I'd like to think this experience had a hand in his downward spiral (〒﹏〒)

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