Random Inosuke Headcanon 1

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Just a random Inosuke Headcanon

Alright so hear me out on this- Inosuke Hashibira...gives A1 massages.
Quite possibly the best massages. I know what you're thinking, this pretty and beefy pigboy is infamous for his rough nature and ability to be extraordinarily abrasive in like...any and all situations, he's constantly trying to fight someone, he's even said that he fights children- and all I have to say to that...is yes. But listen, Inosuke has this completely random ability to sense where most tension gathers in any one person's body and some surprisingly nimble ass fingers- making his massages thorough, both firm and relaxing. Tanjiro and Zenitsu discover this completely by accident, and they damn near lose their shit.

See, they happened to all be called on the same mission, nothing new there, and were on their way back when Zenitsu started complaining. No wait, he was already complaining, it had just gotten louder. By the time they made it to the Wisteria House at the halfway mark, Tanjiro was ready to knock both of his friends unconscious. Between the complaining from Zenitsu, the yelling from Inosuke, and his freshly broken bones- Tanjiro was t i r e d. He'd asked them politely, more than once, to kindly shut up- but in true Zenitsu and Inosuke fashion they kept right on at it. That was until after the lightning breath user had whined one too many times for the beast's liking. He lunged at the yellow haired boy faster than Tanjiro could react in his tired state. Zenitsu quite honestly thought he was gonna die. But then Inosuke's palms slid over his shoulder blades with such precision that it made him freeze. His thumbs dug into the boy's back almost painfully before rubbing small circles into it, making sure he was using enough pressure to get to all the knots.

Was...was he giving him a massage? And why the Hell did it actually feel kind of good?

There was a sudden crack and Zenitsu started crying, sure the boar-headed boy had popped something out of place. But when he shakily moved his arms up and down he found that...there was no pain?

"Well? Amazing, aren't I?!?" Inosuke stood back with his hands on his hips triumphantly and boasting about his skill. Tanjiro and Zenitsu gave eachother a look before looking nervously back at their friend.

Where the Hell did he learn something like that?

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