Chapter 2

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The next day Ray went for a walk around town. He sighted Ivar. He too was taking a walk. “Hey Ivar! Whatsup?” Ivar looked over and sighed. Instead of even saying anything back he began to walk speedily away.  “Ugh, What am I gonna do?” Ray whispered.

          Walking around with hands in pockets, Ray wondered if he came home, if his dad would be angry for some reason. Instead of talking the chance, as he hated be yelled at for now reason, he took off to hang out at the tree.

          At the tree, Ray became very startled. Footsteps could be heard and it sounded like a person was talking to themselves. He couldn’t make out the sound, but wishing it wasn’t anyone he knew, he stepped forward.

“Well, well, Ken you seemed to have messed up again. Sigh.” Ray still remaining motionless hoped Ken would just pass by. He crept around the tree to look and saw Ken motionless staring at the ground. Ray moved back with a snap of a branch. “Who’s there?” Ken said peering around. “You better come out.” Ray not knowing what else to do walked over. Head hung down and hair in his face, he said, “My name is Ray, sorry I was just going for a walk.”

“Yeah I see, I’m doing the same, I’ve never seen you around before, though. Come here often?”

“All the time,” Ray said chuckling. “You could say it’s my safe haven.” “OH, well I have to go now, maybe some other time we can talk.” Ray deciding it was best to leave too headed back home to rave upstairs in his room.

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