21. Rea is back

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Rea felt everything has changed around her. She did not remember what happened to her. Her father was so tired. Her mother was sick and her sister has become dump. Her entire family is wrecked. This nauseates her more. She found her family was no longer as they used to be. Day by day it gets worst. Sasa was over protective of Rea which is weird. And now her father drops and picks them which sucks.

After a week in bed Rea came back to University. She did not understand even a bit about any lessons and she stayed back for remedial. Since she had no time in the evening she was asked to come early for the practice. She desperately needed to learn 'inner energy' technique from her master but she did not have time to meet him. Only two classes per week she got with master Cho and in all these classes he made her to work the basics very, very hard.

Oliver and Reta were buys and to her utter shock Professor Prem strictly asked her not to be in the committee anymore. She missed them terribly. Veela was the only person who help her with all the lessons but she never gossips about anything. Felex, Helea and George neglected her. Even when she tried to catch up with them they moved towards other side. This was so frustrating. Kar on the other hand without any reason avoided her.

As she enters the class her mates used to whisper among themselves. One or two used to turn back whenever any teacher asks about her health. This was so devastating for her. They all looked as if she was abused and wrecked. This sucks. Only one person who consider her to be normal is Agean.

He used to sit with her in class and talks normally to her. Even during break Kayal, Tim or Sasa was not with her. They were stuck up in computer lab as they have to complete R Programming language which seems really tough. It seems that they eat in their class. Kar and Veela does not eat in canteen. They even miss their classes sometimes as they have their own positions. Rea felt utter lonely.

Rea did not do well in practice. Master Sid gave her more techniques and tips. She felt dizzy. She was no longer interested in anything this makes her more angry.

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