When we got home, we were literally panting. Since we walked a little bit more, we kinda reached the end of our village. As we approached the gate of the nearby subdivision, a stray dog, for some messed up reasons, went berserk and started running after us.

"Jesus. Please save me." I heard Kio utter in his breath.

"Hey. Include me in your prayer." I tried to sound funny, despite our very unfortunate situation.

In estimation, I think we ran a 30-meter distance without stopping to breathe. When the dog finally felt merciful towards us, some wandering humans  desperate to escape him, he just went straight back where he came from. That, I think, is one of the probable reasons why our people in our neighborhood are more fond of cats.

As expected, when we got home, Dad genuinely got worried when he saw us. As usual, Kio would try to narrate whatever has happened but our laughs would intervene. In the end, we group-hugged... and that's just the best feeling in the whole wide world.

I was the first one to let go of them as I felt my sweat began to drip. Since I'm easily disgusted, I thought it would be nice to have a bath.

"I will be cleansing my physique. I shall be back in an instant." I tried having some accent but I sounded funny.

"Alright, Lady Knob." I smacked Kio's forehead and Dad just cackled. I ran towards my room and readied my clothes.

I took out a black, cashmere sweater and paired it with some leggings. When I feel like I've laid out everything I needed, I went in the bathroom and showered.

As soon as I have finished, I went straight to the kitchen and made myself a egg-and-ham sandwich. As I was devouring on my meal, Georgia sits beside me. I didn't really cared much so I continued on eating.

"Hey Krystal." She calmly greeted.

"Hi. Do you want some? I'll make one for you." Just before I get to stand up, she stopped me.

"I'm still good. Thank you, though." She smiled. She looked very youthful. Like life is just actually a piece of cake. Her face is glowing, literally and figuratively.

"You look beautiful." I don't usually think out loud but I can't help myself.

"Why, thank you. Maybe it's because of the serums your mom gave me." She looked at her reflection on her phone.

I didn't expect that she would mention mom so casually, so I got caught off-guard, not knowing how to respond.

She must've felt that I have tensed up. She gently touched my face.

"I'm very delightful that your Kio's sister." I noticed that it was the opposite. She sounds like she is actually happy that I'm her son's sister, but her eyes looked really sad, by merely mentioning his name.

All I was able to reply was, "I'm happy that you're his mom too," which got her straighten up her poise.

"What could be the reason?" She looked very surprised. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably because you're not the typical stepmom that I watch on tv. You're kinda cooler than them, though, yes, we still don't click that much. But you're really cool." I casually added as I took a bite ofmy sandwich.

"I never thought that's how you think of me." She warmed up and her smile became wider. "C-can I hug you?"

I was a bit taken aback but tried to be casual. I responded, "Sure thing."

And so we did. We hugged for a good 5 seconds. It really feels strange but nice. She let go of me and sneakily wiped something from her left eye.

"One thing, though. Before I go back to my mom's home. Can I ask something from you?" She looked serious so I just nodded as I was still chewing on my food.

"Can you look for him in my absence? I know I don't have the right to ask you to do such---" I hushed her. I awkwardly held her hand.

"I will. I promise." She looked relieved and I feel my sense of achievement flourishing.

She got up from her seat and hugged me once again.

"I guess, I must ready my things now. Enjoy your meal." Before she heads to the guest room, I stopped her.

"Why are you in such a rush to leave, Goergia?" I asked bluntly.

"Honestly, I know my Mom will eventually rest, like forever." She looked sad, I can tell by her eyes. I suddenly felt the guilt rushing in. "I don't want to ruin Kio's break by telling him such thing. I know it sounds unfair, but I can't bring myself to break my son's heart again." She smiled gloomily.

"I'm so sorry." It was all I said. She just smiled and turned her back on me.

That got me thinking. I should stop wasting time, self-pitying in my room. Instead of crying my eyes out for the things that I have no control, I should probably spend my time laughing out loud with Dad and Kio.

As I feel the enouement settling in, I got up from my seat and went towards the garage where I saw Dad and Kio working on something.

"What are you guys doing?" I butted in. Kio then explained a rocket thing he discovered from the internet. I didn't really listened to him as I was reflecting.

I feel so lucky to have these people. Sure, we're not the usual family from the television, and I'm thankful that we're not. I know we definitely have a lot to improve and a long way to run. In our elysian journey, I hope happiness and love never ends... though there are  dark times. I just hope it never ends.

"Krystal. Are you okay?" Asked Kio.  They must've noticed that I'm staring into nothing for a long time.

"Yeah. I just... love you both so much."

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