𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗍 𝗉𝗍.2

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"Im so happy to finally have a roomate . Yiseo unnie did you know that you are actually so pretty " The younger girl said as she was looking at the older girl admiring her face

"Dont call me 𝐔𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 thats making me feel old " Yiseo said rudely glaring at her

"O-oh ok" Haneul was flustered after what she tolf her and she got scared of her glare

"Why cant she just leave the group already" Yiseo muttered

"Did you say anything" Haneul asked

"No nothing" she answered while faking smiling ( such a fake bIsh)

Hours have passed we were all gathered in the living room talking to Yiseo and knowing more about her but little did you know that Haneul felt little bit left out . All the members attention were at Yiseo

Now all of them were laughing about how funny her story was

Severel weeks have passed it seemd like Haneul was not there all they talk about is Yiseo Yiseo anf Yiseo

She felt ignored by the others

She felt lonely

She felt left out

Lots of thoughts were inside her head

The members didnt even realize that she was eating so less food and most of the time she would be in the practice room practicing until midnight yet no one noticed. She usually would be helping Chan write his songs or just chill inside the studio or maybe have some small talks or Chan would ask her ideas and would let her listen to the new tracks and lyrics , but now it changed Chan would always call Yiseo over like he used to do with Haneul . Ever since they Yiseo told them she also likes producing music 3racha would and Yiseo would spend time together in the studio

The maknae line would usually barg into Haneul's room to play video games but they come for another reason which is to ask Yiseo to play . She was better than you in Mario cart and Lol(league of legends)

Every single time Haneul would try to talk them Yiseo would get their attention by doing something so that their attention was on her not Haneul

𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Today we had a practice . Practice for our new comeback Clé : Levanter

I had a lot in mind these days . I couldnt concentrate on the dance

"You got the move wrong . Why cant you pay attenting. We've been doing this again and again " Hyunjin said as he yelled at me even the other members were annoyed

We've been practicing since 9 in the morning and now its around 6:30pm

"Why cant you learn it corectly or at least pay attention like Yiseo" Now it Jisung who was comparing me to her and everyone agreed to what Jisung said

I couldnt believe my ears . Were they really comparing me to her ouch

I looked down and spoke "I-im sorry i wont do the mistake again"

"Guys lets just head back to the dorms and rest . I bet all of you are tired after practicing for lots of hours " Chan being the leader told us

"Oppa im hungry " Yiseo said while pouting and looking at the boys

D-did she just call them oPpARrR eww that sounds so crInGey 

"Well then change of plans lezz goo and eatt" Minho said

and everyone just left . I was not going with them as i needed to practice hard , i dont want to disappoint Stay

It was almost past 12 i was still practicing i havent eaten anything since morning even though i was tired i still forced myself to dance

ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ | sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora