No More Teasing 🍋

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It's been a month since you said yes to dating the Fox Sin of Sexiness. It's been a wild ride of teasing and getting off in creative ways. You spent most of your free time getting to know each other, but when it came to family details, Ban always seem to drift off in thought and changed the subject. Was his childhood the cause of that furrow between his brows? Or the deep sadness between his eyes? You're not one to pry, but one day you want to break through his shell.

Ban and the other sins have been gone on a job for a week now. Meliodas placed the two badass lady detectives, Guila and Jericho, in charge of security. They are cool, but you don't want to ever get on their bad sides.

You miss Ban so much. Being separated from him feels like a crucial piece of your life is missing. Like he took half of your heart with him. Your bed feels empty without him. You felt like such a basic bitch when you dressed in one of his shirts and sprayed his cologne on your pillow. You even smoked a cigarette, just to smell him. Every time he calls, his voice burns longing in your body. You have grown to love him, too much and too fast.

When I see him again, I'm not waiting another second, I want him, I need him, all of him. Your mind drifts to Ban as you dance on stage. You feel his touch as your hands wander over your serpentine body. Your mind wanders to the evening after your first date...

"Stop. Mmm. Baby Girl, stop," Ban mumbles against your lips. Kisses turned into a heated make-out session in his charcoal Land Rover. It was parked outside a small Thai restaurant. Everything was perfection. The two of you sat in a quiet corner of the restaurant, giggling and flirting. The appetizers and entrees were amazing and the two of you had one too many Sabai Sabai's. You leaned in for a kiss before he started the car and the rest was history. You're straddling his lap and your fingers are dipping in the crevasses of hips. He tries to pull away, but you bite his lip. He rips your hands from his body, pins them against the roof, and huffs loudly. "Those wandering hands."

"So, you're allowed to have wandering hands, but when I just touch your hips, I'm in trouble?" You glare at him and wiggle your hands free from his grip.

"(Y/N), it's exactly that," he catches your hands before you could cross your arms, "I already have so little control around you, but when you touch my hips," he bites his lip and growls. He rests your arms on his shoulders.

His speech slows down and his voice drops an octave, "it's like when; I touch here," he slips his hand underneath your dress and softly and slowly runs a finger over the small of your back. Goosebumps spread like wildfire over your entire body.

"Or when; I nibble here," his teeth close in on the side of your ear. Your breathing gets heavier as your lungs contract.

His voice drops another octave and hits your ears like songs from heaven, "or when; I suck here," he makes a sizable hickey in between your neck and collarbone. It feels like he's sucking every ounce of strength from your muscles. You have lost all control. He's won this round. Again. How does he know, exactly, what to do?

"Mmm. Ban. Stop. I get it," you whisper against his skin.

"I don't think you do," he grabs your face and looks deep in your eyes, "you lose control of your body, but Baby Girl, I lose my mind, and I'll do things to you, you're not ready for."

You snap back from your flashback, realizing you have danced way too long without removing an article of clothing. As you take your bra off, you see your immortal, in his red leather pants and jacket. He's covered in blood. A smile grows on your face. He's standing behind the rows of chairs in front of the ramp. He's staring gleefully at you with his hands in his pockets.

You can't control yourself, you want to be in his arms. Now! You get a running start and leap over the row of chairs, he catches you with ease. Your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist, and your lips pressed against his. Ban pulls back gently, he strokes your hair. His eyes and hand travels over your face, like he's trying to commit every piece of you to memory.

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