"There you go 'More, all done" Nana smiled, as Amore stood up facing her.

"Thanks Nana" Amore hugged her tightly, as Nana hugged her back. She walked off into her room, grabbing some change off her dresser. She planned on going to the store once her hair was done.

She skipped back into the living room, not seeing her Nana. She out onto the porch, seeing her reading a book, on the bench.

"Nana, is it okay if I go to the store?" Amore asked her. The store was just a block down from their home.

"Of course baby, and make sure you-".

"Watch out for my surroundings, I know Nana" Amore quickly skipped off, walking to the store.

As she walked towards the store, there stood men playing dice games and kids exchanging candies. She went into the store, walking over to the chips and ice cream aisle.

Amore picked up two small bags of potato chips. She looked at the price at the right corner of the bag.

"Why is it fifty-nine cents for two small ass chips.." She mumbled.

"That's what's I said!" She turned around, seeing Imani licking a popsicle.

"This chips are a rip off, I'll just get one" Amore shrugged, as she went to the counter and Imani followed.

Amore placed her chips' on the counter, as Tony, the guy behind the cash register rung her things up.

"Can I get a lemon head and a pixy stick?" Amore asked him, as he placed them on the counter as well.

"1.59". Amore handed home two dollars, as he placed her things in a bag. He gave her back her change and the bag.

Amore and Imani walked out of the store, hearing the men argue over the dice game as usual.

"What's the point of that game anyway?" Imani said, she didn't understand why men would get upset of a game, that didn't seem serious to her.

"I don't know" Amore said as she threw a lemon head in her mouth. The girls started to walk down the street to their houses. A suburban pulled up next to them as they walked.

At the corner of Amore's eye she watched as the car followed them. "Imani..that car following us". Imani looked up seeing the car and stopped. The girls stopped and stood there.

Nice cars barely pass through here, Amore recalled. Out the car came out Jasmine kissing a guy wearing full black. "Alright, babe, I'll see you later" She smiled turning to see the girls, as the car drove off.

Imani held a straight face, as she just seen her mother kissing on another man, that wasn't her father. Amore looked back at Jasmine then Imani.

"Imani- Baby, listen to me" Jasmine approached Imani, leaning down to her size.

"Who was that man?" Imani furrowed her eyebrows.

"H-He's my friend-". Imani shook her head as she ran down her block, into her house. Amore started to walk off going home too.

"Amore" Jasmine called out. She turned seeing her. "Please just keep this between us, baby" She begged her.

"That's between you and Unc Quincy" She shrugged, as she walked across the street, back to her house.

Across the street, stood Miss Robinson and Nana talking and exchanging some exciting looks. Amore skipped on over to them.

"I'm back Nana! Hi, Miss Robinson" She greeted them, both with hugs.

"Hey Amore" Miss Robinson waved.

"Hey baby, guess what!" Nana exclaimed.


"Miss Robinson and I are going to New York next week!!" Nana jumped around. Amore smiled she loved to see her grandmother happy.

"So who's gonna watch me?" Amore asked.

"Well I came to a conclusion, so your daddy is gonna watch you for the week".

Amore busted out laughing, and placed her hands on her knees. "I don't have daddy, Nana! You know that!". Nana looked at Miss Robinson then back at Amore, as she put her hands on her hip.

"I'm serious, Amore. You are going to stay with Amari for the time being, now stop saying that" Nana said to her.

I really gonna spend a week with this big head man.

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