2. Make Sense

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'Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you.'

Music: Love Yourself by Jin

Jin's POV

She was a natural beauty.

When she walked in cursing that man Gregory, my heart skipped a beat. I wondered why, and so I turned to regard my company.

She had shoulder length hair. The wind blew it as she stood there looking like she wanted to cry. Her outfit was pretty simple, her height shorter than mine by about seven centimetres or ten. She looked gorgeous in her white T-shirt and jeans.

She was ranting about someone who was marrying someone else. I couldn't exactly concentrate on what she was saying. I found myself staring at this underrated beauty. She didn't even seem to know that she was attractive.

Looking at her crying about another man angered me.

This was the one time I was going to make a move towards a woman. Even though she was crying and messing up my moment of self reflection. See, even I had my own problems, but I wasn't about to announce them to the world like her.

I was a decent, respectable man.

I wasn't going to look at her when I spoke. I lied to myself that way, but this young woman was so gorgeous, I couldn't look away. Seeing her cry about this other guy infuriated me.

Normally, I avoided women and girls who cried, but somehow, she drew me in. I felt I had to do something to help. She looked so alone that I actually felt guilty for standing there and watching her.

So I talked to her. She seemed coherent until she turned and looked right at me. I already knew she was gorgeous, but looking at her right in the eye made me realize just how much more beautiful she was.

She was stunning!

Those eyes of hers were the kind I could not forget. My eyes trailed her face, taking in every exquisite feature on it. She was staring at me in the very same way I was looking at her.

"We can be gorgeous together," I said, acknowledging to her, and myself, that the beauty she had met my standards. I didn't even know who she was when I told her my name. I didn't expect her to give me hers either.

"I am Fae."

Her voice was pleasant to listen to. Did she sing? I would have loved to listen to her every single day for the rest of my life.

'Hold up. For the rest of my life. Did I already want to marry her? I just met her...'

I couldn't make a decision squarely based on her beauty. Still, I didn't kick the notion from my head. All I had to do was find a way to have her around me every single day. So I invited her to join me for a few drinks and a night out in the town.


"Don't you want to get to know your newest best friend in the world?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Not really interested in having a best friend right now."

Oh, yes. She had just lost one. "Fine, how about man friend?"

"You mean like a boyfriend?"

I smiled at her. "Let's see what we can do. One step at a time."

She smirked.

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