Chapter 6

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(Hello I am back from the dead with a story for some reason y'all want, ok I'll stop wasting your time now).

-Sunday, 8:00 AM, Corona-Kun's POV-
"It's Sunday last time I checked.. Well at least I get to enjoy my last time of freedom this week until Friday again" I sighed.

I wonder what Corona-Chan is doing, well I don't think she knows that she's staring at me sometimes across the hallway, and I think it's kind of funny, usually people just talk to me, but I guess that's ok.

It's super boring in this apartment, my parents are so dumb, they thought we all had to separate or whatever. Well now I'm all alone and bored. Apparently none of my friends like to pick up the phone even though we have MORE FREE TIME TO DO IT.

Whatever, I'll just go to sleep for the 5th time today.

-Ebola-Chan's P.O.V-

"Why do I have no friends, this is a bad start to school- wait I forgot about Flu-Chan" I said laughing nervously.

Yeah if I call her it's not gonna end well whatsoever, but I'm honestly bored so imma just call her.

-after the call- (I'm lazy ok)

Well she said she was supposed to be moving here which I was happy about, 3 months ago, but now I'm not so very happy since we aren't even allowed near people.

But honestly, do us viruses even listen? No not really, but still. We're probably the ones who caused it and that's why we aren't allowed near each other until they find a cure..

Well I'm going outside anyway since I don't care about being stuck inside a house for like 3000 years.

Well time to watch anime like attack on titan or whatever comes on.

-Flu-Chan's POV-

Honestly though I'm lucky to live literally everywhere that I don't need to stay inside. Since Florida never does I'll stay there.

Actually never mind. The people there are crazy. (sorry Florida hoomans)

Apparently they're even crazier than me like people state. (heh)

My favorite GameStop is closed T^T they need to find a cure quickly! I need the new animal crossing! (lol)

-Plague-Chan's POV-

So you're saying that there's another virus that's almost the same amount of worse as me? I don't really believe you honestly social media. Im still in first place and you can't state that otherwise gotcha? I put down the phone and go to the fridge for the 10th time this hour-

"Why is there still no food — I've checked so many times and I still can't find anything. Well guess it's finally time to go to the store NOT FOR MILK THOUGH THAT IS CURSED" I screech in my head.

-ok I'm done and that is exactly 500 words wow (including this) anyway sorry for so many P.O.V's, and also for Writers block T^T, it's pretty annoying lol anyway bye now hope you liked it :D -

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