Chapter 4

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My P.O.V

Ebola-Chan, Red as a tomato, as she walks down the second stairs of her school and accidentally runs into somebody, "watch it" they say as they walk off not even noticing the superior virus ahead-

Ebola gets pushed to the ground as the unknown virus walks past her down the stairs, Ebola then realizes where the virus was walking to, the virus was walking to Coronavirus-Kun (Lol I hate myself so much)

Ebola was about to let out a bunch of rage but didn't and minded her own business instead..
As Ebola walks down more stairs as always, then she runs into somebody again, but this time it was actually Hantavirus-Chan (yes that's a virus), Hanta and Ebola had been friends since kindergarten, but they never had the same classes.

It was great to see her again, but something was off about her and she ran off. Ebola questions why she ran off, but instead her memories go to food. She's been wanting some food for a little bit but now it's lunch.

She walks down to the lunch area then-

(Hah sike it's a cliffhanger ok bye)

Coronavirus x Ebola (joke)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang