:the hell known as the human mind:

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Regulus found himself suffering the lethargic nature of the blooming fall season. Just outside the window, were the passionate colours of fall. Leaves of fire and gold swirled in the wind and descended onto the moist and frosty earth. The evenings were longer and more cool. Daylight was cut shorter now that September had died and winter approached. The sun no longer shone passed six. Harry Potter, formerly Regulus Black, in his young form spent most of the shortened days dozing or practicing occlumency.

The family hadn't left the house in months.

Peacefully, Regulus sat on his mother's lap as she rocked in her rocking chair armed with a book beside a cozy fire.

James Potter was currently fumbling with his wand and a blank piece of parchment paper. No doubt trying some new and entertaining spell that he had come up with. Regulus watched both parents with a sharp eye, observing, learning everything he could.

He hadn't been expecting to learn much of anything new in his second life.

Lily hummed a soft melody into his ear as she flipped a page of her book. A book that had been a gift from James to her just after their marriage. The book had been passed down through the Potter line for generations. Regulus's eyes skimmed along the pages of his mother's book in an awe filled curiosity and fascination. The book was very old and rare, containing ancient knowledge that he had never seen before. That fact alone was great enough to impress as he was a Black and was exposed to many ancient secrets. How rare for him to discover and learn something new in this life.

Within the dulling pages of the book was an intricate chart of runes. Some of which Regulus was unfamiliar with and others similar to ones he knew. Perhaps the runes he studied descended from the ones within the book.

Lily seemed to find something particularly interesting about a certain rune on the page and reread it several times over. Her face had scrunched up as her brows furrowed in thought.

Abruptly, she stood up and kissed the back of his head.

"Mummy needs to go do some work now." She cooed lovingly as she carried Regulus to James. "Daddy will look after you alright?"

"Pronglet!" James grinned as Lily handed him their son, sighing in a cross between amusement and exasperation.

"Keep calling him that and he'll forget his name is Harry." She scolded half-heartedly.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

James only laughed.


Regulus cursed his underdeveloped motor skills as he crawled along the floor. James Potter had been an easy person to escape from, allowing Regulus to seek Lily instead. But he could only crawl so fast before his father caught up to him. Regulus much preferred studying ancient runes with Lily then being entertained by James.

Regulus swore that if James tried to 'peek-a-boo' him one more time he'd kill someone. Baby hands be damned.

He dragged his body into his bedroom where his mother sat crosslegged on the floor, etching various runes into the wood.

"Harry?" Lily exclaimed in confusion, "what are you doing here?" Her brows furrowed, "is your father not looking after you?"

Regulus didn't bother answering.

"Ma!" He exclaimed, internally wincing at the sound of his own voice. Thankfully his outburst seemed to have the desired effect as her gaze immediately softened and she pulled him into her lap.

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