:a leap of faith:

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There wasn't much choice in how Harry Potter, formerly known as Regulus Black, spent his days. He'd sit, eat, sleep and watch as his parents slowly drifted deeper and deeper into a foreboding anxiety. Something was happening. And Regulus Black had no way of knowing what.

It wasn't a sudden change, but rather a slow and gradual shift. People stopped visiting, not that there were many visitors in the first place. (Of which was a man known as Uncle Remus whom Regulus actually liked and was mildly annoyed to discover that he couldn't come visit anymore.)

He would often catch Lily eyeing him with tears in her eyes before abruptly embracing him. Her reactions were both strange and heartbreaking and he dreaded the reason why his parents seemed to be suddenly more cautious. James stopped leaving the house altogether. It was no secret to Regulus that he would sometimes go out and fight the forces of the Dark Lord.

A very much alive Dark Lord.

Regulus had been distraught to learn that Voldemort was still very much alive despite his efforts and sacrifice. He couldn't help but wonder what had become of Kreacher and the locket. He was torn between the twisted hope that the horcrux wasn't destroyed and that it was Voldemort's only horcrux or the frightening possibility that it was destroyed and he had made more than one. Or perhaps, both?

Regulus didn't want to believe it.

He was afraid for the world and of the wrath of monster known as Tom Marvolo Riddle.

With limited control—especially in his current circumstances, it would be impossible to verify the fate of Kreacher and the locket. His own magic wasn't yet developed and he had absolutely no control over it (much to his own frustration). There was very little he could do. Regulus would now have to develop his magic from scratch and that would take time.

He was helpless in his pudgy baby body.

Regulus let out an annoyed huff and resigned himself to do the only useful thing he could at the moment; clearing his mind and reinforcing the practice of Occlumency. Now that he could do practically nothing else, he would use the time to build up mental walls to protect his unique knowledge and experiences.

"Harry," Lily cooed softly as she picked him up from his crib, a bright smile dancing on her face. "Uncle Sirius is here!"

A genuine grin twitched onto his youthful face and happy gibbers escaped his mouth before he could stop them. Regulus flushed in embarrassment but Lily took no notice. Instead, she nodded in delight and carried him to the living room.

"That's right Harry," she giggled, unaware of his predicament, "Uncle Sirius is here."

"Pronglet!" Sirius beamed at the sight of him, practically dancing in excitement. "C-can I hold him?" He turned to James who laughed at his sudden timidness.

"He's your Godson."

Regulus felt Lily carefully shift him into Sirius's arms. The oldest Black handled the young baby gingerly like a glass more valuable then gold and Regulus understood then that his older brother was terrified of dropping him. His arms were shaking.

Piercing green eyes clashed with grey and as the two siblings exchanged a moment of silence Sirius tightened his hold on the young baby. He whispered just loud enough for Regulus to hear.

"I promise I'll protect you."

The words pierced like arrows into his heart and a gentle whisper of wind into his soul. Regulus shivered as his lip went wobbly. Tears fell freely from his eyes and yet his expression showed bittersweet contentment and serenity.

Sirius. His thoughts reached longingly, Sirius, it's me.

Sirius flinched and turned helplessly to Lily and James.

"Prongs? L-Lily? He's crying! W-what do I do??"

Sirius did not recognize his younger brother's silent pleading behind a pair of emerald eyes.

A pang of pain ached in Regulus's heart as reluctant acceptance filled him. To Sirius, he was Harry Potter no matter who he was before. He was his Godson...not brother. His resolve hardened.

He'd love Sirius no matter who he was to him.


Lily's face showed amusement at Sirius's state of distress.

"Hold on, I'll take him." She sighed, carefully prying Regulus away from the paling dog-animagus.

"Careful there Padfoot," James teased, "you looked ready to faint. Would little Harry really knock you out?"

Sirius let out a bark of laughter.

"Who knows?" He jested merrily, "Harry will be a powerful wizard someday! I know it!"

James agreed quickly and the two shared another joke before settling into an air of solemness.

"James," Sirius began with no trace of jesting. "I've been thinking about the fidelius and I—I think Peter should be your secret keeper."

Regulus felt Lily pull him closer into her protective embrace and heard her heart beat quicken.

"Padfoot..." James trailed off in disbelief, "what's wrong? You know I trust you."

Sirius smiled weakly.

"I know Prongs." He agreed slowly, "but  aren't I an obvious target? Everyone knows I would die for you. I'd do it in an instant if I were given the choice. Still, I thought about it carefully and realized that no one would suspect Wormtail if he were the secret keeper. In a way I could be a decoy since I'm the obvious choice." He explained solemnly.

Sirius had given it lots of thought and the plan was like extra insurance. Adding himself as decoy would be another layer of protection for the family he was willing to use.

Lily watched the exchange quietly, swaying ever so gently as she rocked her baby. Regulus ignored the sleepiness that accompanied the sensation and instead listened attentively to his brother and father's words. He wanted to hear this.


Sirius sighed.

"I don't know if I could trust myself to keep the secret if I were to be caught and tortured." His eyes darkened "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."


James's answer was simple and pure like his trust in Sirius. There was no need for much explanation because he knew deep down that Sirius would never let him down.

Lily bit her tongue and choked her protests into silence. She was closer to Sirius then Peter and was more content with him as their secret keeper. But she knew that James was closer with the two of them and decided that he should decide.

James was best friends with them.

He trusted them, and Lily trusted James.

She trusted his trust.

If having the rat-animagus as secret keeper would keep her Harry safe she'd do it.

Anything for Harry. Anything.

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