Chapter 17: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

Start from the beginning

"Honestly just a day or so ago," Youngho replied. "The family and I were already planning on coming here. I was going to call you tomorrow and see from there, buuut, here we are. Everything else was pure coincidence. I was not expecting you to be here."

Out of the blue, Yebin's stomach let out a rumble. She pressed her hand onto her tummy, feeling its vibrations of hunger. Youngho must've heard, as he let our a deep laugh. "Of course you'd be hungry... do you want to join me for dinner?" He asked her, his head slightly tilted. A shy look crossed his face. "You don't have to since we'd be with my parents... I don't know if that would be awkward for you. If anything, they'd be more than happy to meet a friend of mine from Korea."

Youngho craned his head to the side, then pointed towards that direction. As Yebin followed his finger, she spotted an older couple just standing by in the distance. They were probably waited for their son. "Oh," her mouth fell agape.

That man...

That's the man who returned the guitar pick to her before their practice. Yebin felt her heart leap. Seriously, what were the odds that she would run into Youngho's father? Fate really did have some plans for her, hm.

"I'd love to join you all, Youngho," Yebin told him with a warm smile. "I really want to talk to you about everything. I just need to tell my band first. Wait for me?"

Youngho nodded, returning the sweet, handsome smile.

Yebin sped off, guitar thumping against her back, to reach her waiting group of 5. They all were looking at her with confusion and interest... while Delilah's face held some surprise. "Sorry guys, but you all have to go without me for dinner."

"Oh, I saw you talking to that guy back there," Diane smirked. "You know him?"

Yebin nodded, a bug grin glued to her lips. "Yeah, a friend of mine from back home."

"Is that who I think it is?" Delilah asked, her eyes darting back and forth between her and the tall man in the distance. Yebin didn't have to answer the question, as she burst out, "No fucking way." Suddenly, Delilah turned Yebin around and removed the guitar from her back. She gave her a comradely pat on her back, basically shoving her back in the direction Youngho was. "Don't you worry about us. We can always do an official celebration tomorrow, right guys?"

"Who is that guy?" Mikey asked as he grabbed his guitar from Delilah with his uninjured hand. A giddy expression crossed his face, a smirk to his lips. "Seems like more than friends to me!"

Yebin held up her hands, waving them defensively. "A-Ah Mikey... it's not like that!" She says so, but her burning red cheeks say otherwise. She cursed under her breath. (Almost) All of them were so ready to tease her about this, and she was not ready for it. She needed to abort before they could. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then?"

"Of course, Yebin, have fun," Malia replied, as she gestured for her to go on.

"Yeah, I'm sure you would," Delilah mumbled out only for Yebin to hear. It didn't help calm down her blistering hot face, she shoved the drummer out of her own embarrassment.

Yebin bid her farewells and ran back over to where Youngho stood, along with his parents. The nervousness kicked back in again, as her eyes made contact with theirs. And the way the older man's face glimmered with acknowledgement, he must know that she was Youngho's friend now.

"It's nice to see you again, sir," Yebin greeted the man in Korean, giving a slight nod. She glanced over to the short-haired woman. "And pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all ours!" Youngho's mother proclaimed, with a bright smile... that looked exactly like Youngho's. "Not only do we get to meet our son's friend but also a performer from the concert! This is quite exciting!"

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