"Really? That would be awesome. Thanks Austin. He's really into your music." I grinned as I picked up my phone to send Brian another quick text, letting him know about the concert.

"Sure, it's no problem." He smiled back at me.

It gave me a certain thrill every time our eyes locked, knowing that only we were aware of what was truly going on between us.

Well and Adam and Vanessa, I rolled my eyes to myself.

I'm sure on the outside, it seemed like we were two friends that simply worked together as we were trying our best to act as normal as we could.

I saw Austin's hand slip under the counter, quickly finding its way onto my exposed leg and sliding down my thigh.

Well that didn't last long, I chuckled to myself as Austin was right about one thing. He truly could not keep his hands off of me.

"Did I forget to tell you how beautiful you look today?" He mumbled, his voice low and raspy.

"Yes you did but thank you." I teased, giving him a subtle smirk.

"Like you forgot to kiss me?" He cocked his brow as he gave me a look of suspicion.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to get out of there before anyone saw me." I said as I came up with an excuse.

I couldn't tell him the real reason why I didn't kiss him.

"Well don't let it happen again." He paused as he looked into my deep brown eyes. "It's the best part of my day Lena."

My heart pounded loudly in my chest as he spoke, his gaze now softened and sweet. I couldn't help but place my hand on the back of his, giving it a small squeeze.

As much as I knew in my heart that I felt the same way, I couldn't bring myself to say it back.


The party was in full swing as the Air B and B was nearly packed with people. I had no idea who most of them were, while I was able to recognize a few celebrities that Austin had invited.

I wore a tight black dress with thigh high socks and black heels to match, while my dark hair was pin straight down my back and natural looking makeup applied on my face.

I was sitting on the sofa next to Vanessa, as we aimlessly chatted about how much she adored my shoes while sipping on cold glasses of my homemade sangria.

I hadn't had the opportunity to fill her in on what was happening between Austin and I and this party was definitely not the place to do it.

"Fuck Adam you made us lose!" Austin jokingly exaggerated as he shouted loudly throughout the room.

"You two still..?" Vanessa nudged me as she noticed my attention was diverted to Austin who was setting up for the next game of beer pong.

"Yeah. I'll fill you in when we're alone." I smiled shyly.

"Please do, I'm freaking dying for details." She rolled her eyes and shot me a wink.

As we chuckled together, I noticed Austin making his way over towards where I was sitting, a full beer spilling over in his one hand.

"I'm fucking done with Adam, we lost the last two games. Can you believe that shit?" He complained as Adam shouted a "fuck you" across the room.

Austin extended his hand for me to take as he continued. "Lets go groupie, I need my partner."

"Austin I'm not even that good." I groaned as he towered above me, patiently waiting.

"Lena c'mon, you're better than you think. Plus you're my little good luck charm." He pleaded, giving me the most adorable expression that I didn't have the strength to turn down.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now