Chapter 1

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At the age of eight years old, Ella Rosemary gave up her freedom in order to save her family from vampires. 

Ella Rosemary had a short ginger hair that stopped right above her shoulders, she had golden eyes. She wore a sleeveless purple dress, that went to her knees, black tights, and purple shoes. A vine around her waist, armbands, and brown leg warmers...forget to mention her fairy wings. That's right Ella not only saved her own kind fairies but her family from a family of vampires. About once a month she had to drain out blood into a bag, so if the vampires had to do a quick dash into the sunlight, They can do it in the sense without burning, plus it made them highly drunk. At the age of twelve, Ella was at a smaller, which was the size of a butterfly and sat on the dashboard of a hearse. Her normal size was the size of a mouse. The vampire family that took her captive was currently running away from a mob on Transylvania. They were driving through a small town called Stokely looking for the castle.

"I'm sure we should have taken a left back there," Vlad argued as they looked at the map.

"Could you stop breathing down in my face," Ingrid demanded, scrunching her nose. "You can't have brushed your teeth for weeks. Am I the only one gagging here?" Vlad checks his breath with his hand. "Can't believe we have to speak this stupid language."

"We've got to keep a low profile," Vlad reminded her.

 "And...and...why did we have to move anyway?" Ingrid asked.

"Please be quiet Mistress. Ingrid, I'm trying to read the map," Renfield said.

"Don't tell me to be quiet," Ingrid said flicking the back of his ear. "Insect biter."

"Right! That is it!" Renfield retaliated and tried to whack Ingrid.

"Don't touch me you...fungus!" Ingrid snapped. The hearse is swerving from side to side as they argue.





"Turn right!" Vlad shouted.

"Can't do it!" Renfield shouted. "Fart breath!"

"Spider licker!" Ingrid responded.

"Scab picker!"

"Snot eater!" 

"Renfield!" Count roared from the back angrily. Renfield slammed on his breaks as everyone drew quiet. They hear the coffin bang, two pale bony hands, pull apart the curtain. "What is going on here?"

"Sorry for disturbing you, master," Renfield apologized.

"Silence!" Count ordered.

"Ingrid wants Renfield to turn the hearse around to go back to Transylvania," Ella revealed as she hopped on to the steering wheel.

"Oh you do, do you?" Count asked. "And what about the angry torch-wielding angry Transylvanian peasant mob. hm? Would you like to go back to them, too?" He then had a flashback and shuddered.

"Yeah, well, better going back to face them than living in this dump," Ingrid said. " I mean look at it, it's so normal."

"And gross, too many buildings," Ella added.

"Normal, buildings," Vlad repeated. " That's just what I was thinking."

"Can I proceed now, master?" Renfield requested.

"Yes," Count answered. "Yes, yes."

"Good, it smells like a zombie's armpit in here," Ingrid complained. Count sniffed the air, he pulled back the curtain traveling Zolton. "Thought so, it's Vlad's stupid stuffed dog."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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