He looked up from the conversation he had been having, seeming to sense our eyes on him.

He gave me a small smile and started to jog over to us.

“Hey,” He greeted us as he grew near.

“Hey there yourself,” I said moving closer to him so I could place a kiss on his cheek.

“We have to go,” Brittany huffed clearly still annoyed.

“Alright calm down Brit,” I said laughing a little at her intensity, I would have my work cut out for me this afternoon it appeared.

“Where are you two going?” Jack said looking at Brittany now.

“We’re going shopping, I need a hot dress for the ball next month.” Brittany said smiling and winking  at Jack.

“That sounds… like a good idea.” Jack said shifting uncomfortably next to me.

I almost burst out laughing at how adorably uncomfortable he looked as he backed away from me, clearly looking for an escape from the conversation. Jack had never been very comfortable with sexual attention, and well, Brittany oozed sex.

Laughing I went over to Brittany and looped my arm though hers, pulling her towards the house playfully.

“Come on Brit, the shops are closing right.” I said as she reluctantly followed me up to the back of the pack house and through the wide open bay doors.

Ten minutes later I was showered and dressed downstairs in a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top, I usually put a little bit more effort into my appearance but I was feeling lazy and really couldn’t be bothered messing around with makeup. We were only going to the mall any way.

“Seriously they look exactly the same.” I said pressing my fingers to my temples and rubbing them slowly.

“No they totally are not Evie,” Brittany sighed in frustration at my lack of fashion ability, but as she held the two practically identical tiny black dresses up in front of me again, I couldn’t help but think that some designer out there had gotten lazy and decided to just copy someone else’s design.

“You look great in both though! So it doesn’t matter which one you get, you’ll still you beautiful!” I said grinning at her hopefully.

“Nice try,” She said narrowing her eyes at me. “I’m going to go find that dress we were looking at before so I can compare them.” She said marching off into the depths of the store.

I sighed shaking my head as she walked away, sometimes I really wondered if Brittany and I would be friends if we met now. Sometimes it felt like our friendship was built on the fact that we had met when we were so young and she’d been one of the only kids who hadn’t treated me differently because I was the Alphas daughter.

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