Girl Meets High School: Part One

Start from the beginning

After I walked around with the seniors for a little bit I learned their names for one thing Thor, Nikki, and Francesca it was now class time with dad "good morning and welcome to world history who's ready to learn" dad said "What's that on the board" a girl in our class asked "we were kings now we're patriots" dad said reading what was on the board "why does it say that it's cryptic you can't teach is cryptic what are you trying to get away with huh" the girl said "I'll be right back" dad said and walked over to Riley "what's her name" dad asked Riley "what's your name" Riley then asked her "Marley" she said and Riley looked back at dad "Marley" she said "Marley sees right through me" dad said "just keep on teaching about our lives and she'll come around" Riley said as I started to doodle in my notebook but I felt eyes on me I looked around to see Lucas was glaring at me I just roll my eyes and turned away to listen to dads lecture "Abigail Adams was the wife of john Adams and the mama of Johnny Q they were quick the historical triangle" dad said "huh triangle huh" Riley, Maya and Lucas said "boo" I then said "and I'll tell you that the one thing they understood about this brand new nation was to stick together because every direction they turned was brand new undiscovered country" dad said to us making me nod "I am an Abigail Adams patriot" Riley said to dad "how we don't even get to walk in the hallways well I mean dani gets too" Lucas said making me look at him "Lucas these seniors are older and more experienced than us and I think that they're trying to help" Riley said to Lucas "Riley they're making fun of us and we're letting it happen well besides dani" Lucas said throwing another jab at me "Lucas stop with that I'm sorry that the seniors didn't make me go in the hole but that wasn't my choice" I said to him and he just nodded not believing me "but most of all these patriots knew to stay loyal to each other because their survival depended on it in a dangerous new land" dad said continuing with the lesson "Riley we don't even know our way around the school yet why would we just park ourselves in a hole" Lucas said "I know my way around the school" I said throwing a dig a Lucas who just glared at me "okay so you just want to throw us into whatever goes on in this place and just see what happens" Riley said "yeah because you know what I call that normal I mean dani gets to do it" Lucas said making me roll my eyes "let me see if I get how you teach my boyfriend and I get into a fight" Marley started to say "awe" Riley said to her "I was talking about you or dani" Marley said "me why are we fighting" Riley said quickly turning to Lucas "oh I don't know lets go to the weird undefined area between the two floors and talk about it" Lucas said "you know expect for dani who's to different that us to actually go in the hole" Lucas said making me glare at him again "tempt me cowboy just tempt me" I said to him "we are fighting you have to fight with him exactly as much" Riley said to Maya "but I don't know what..." Maya started to say "do it" Riley yelled at her and Maya quickly jumped up to look at Lucas "hurrah hurrah hurrah" Maya said over and over in Lucas's face "who misses middle school" dad asked the class and we all raised our hands

after class I was a little annoyed with Lucas so I decided to use my freedom and sit on a small bay window by the hole I was reading and listening to music after a few minutes I felt one of my ear plugs being pulled out and I looked up to see Maya and Riley "hey" I said as they sat on each side of me "I think this may just turn out fine" Riley said as I nodded but two cheerleaders came up to us "you're in our spot" one of them said to us "this is where we sit" the other one said and the three of us got up letting them sit down "oh something finally got taken from dani" Lucas said making me glare at him "don't start with me again" I said as he rolled his eyes "oh by the way where's your boyfriend" Lucas asked me "he went to visit family and he'll be back next week" I said glaring at him "hi" the blonde cheerleader said to Lucas "what's your name" the Brunette cheerleader also said to him "Lucas and these are my how would you like to be called" Lucas said to Riley "girlfriend" Riley said as I signed "and how would you like to be called" Lucas then asked Maya "girlfriend equally as much" Maya said "hi my name is zay I'm completely available" zay said to the girls "girlfriends" the blonde cheerleader asked "yeah messed up eh" I said to her "it's complicated" Maya said "you know what's not complicated zay available" zay said again making me smile "well I'm sure you'll all adorable together" the brunette said "and thanks for being a distraction until the football team finished practice" the blonde said "I'm trying out for football" zay then said "yeah good luck to you" the Brunette said just as the football team started walked up to us "you're the football players in high school" Lucas asked as he stared up at the big and tall team who then nodded to his question "hey that's great" Lucas said looking at zay "you're the cheerleaders in high school" Riley then asked as the rest of the cheer-leading team walked up as well "hey that's great" Riley said then in came farkle and smackle "the scientist here are gigantic" farkle said guess we know where they went I poked my head out from behind the football players and looked at Thor "hey Thor" I said waving lightly "hey dani" he said back then turned to Lucas "so you guys decided to come upstairs huh you think you're ready for the big time" Thor asked him "maybe not just yet" Lucas said and walked away "hey you wait" I heard a voice say making me turn around to see the blonde cheerleader standing up "come here" she said and I walked over "omg you might be just the size we need" she said as I looked at her confused "we need a small flyer how would you like to join the cheerleader squad" the Brunette said and I smiled and nodded "okay"

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