chapter 2

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bakugo pov 

I yelled and smirked as I exploded some rocks "try to beat that shitty Deku!" I yelled and looked at the green-haired loser who frown "this isn't a competition kacchan" he said as I flip my middle finger at him making him let a sigh and continue to train.

I have noticed that he's getting better at controlling his quirk, too much for my liking, but I can help but feel happy for him, he has trained his body to the max, he misses lunch or doesn't sleep because he rather spends it on training, he has a goal in mind and he's getting closer by each step he takes, by each day that passes...and it's pissing me off! Does he think he's better than me?!?! I'll show him!?! I'll show everyone here who's number one!! 

I let a yell and start to explode more rocks, I smirk as I put my hands together ready to make a huge explosion but it never came "huh?" I said and looked down to Mr. Aizawa, he was glaring at me and using his quirk "bakugo I do remind you, this is training, not a showoff, I could let you do anything you want but your explosions are sending rock flying, and one of those hit Mineta, not like he's dying but still" he said as I glared "huh?!?! isn't this exercise to get our quirks to get better?!" I yelled "just be cautious with your surrounding and your quirk, if not, one day you'll end up killing someone, maybe a close friend," he said and stop using his quirk with me, I click my tongue and look away from him, I continue my training until we are ordered to stop and exit the area.

"move it extras!" I yelled and push everyone and got in front of them "bakugo! please stop calling your classmates extras!" Iida yelled as I  tched "whatever four-eyes!" I yelled and continue walking. 

We walked back to our dorms and continue to talk about our trip, there are only two days left, and I don't know why they are such in a hurry....besides its just a field trip, not like there is going to be something so epic there. I ignore everyone as they discuss what they should bring "I agree with what midoriya said" icy hot said as Deku smiled at him, then everyone nodded as they agree to bring whatever Deku said, I wasn't paying attention. "what about you bokubro?" Kirishima smiled and look at me "don't call me that and I don't care what y'all bring on the trip" I said and glared at them, they all sighed and ignored me the whole time. 

I end up arguing with them...why? because of kaminari, you can't blame me, who in their right mind would suggest taking a fucking tv?!? only kaminari! that's who! "who the fuck let him choose?!" I yelled and pointed at kaminari "hey man! I can tell my opinions legally!" he yells and smacks my hand "Denki has no fears" Deku whispered as some nodded "come here dunce face!" I yelled and we end up running around the place, when we got back kaminari had that derp face he has when he uses too much electricity "yaaay~" he said with two thumbs up making Jiro laugh.

"yo bakubro...that wasn't nice of you," Kirishima said and wrap an arm around me, "I told you not to call me that" I glared and took his arm off my shoulders....he shrugged "hey I always wonder, why do we call him bakugo but midoriya is the only one that can call him 'kacchan'? and bakugo doesn't say anything to him.." mina said as everyone looked at me "why are you all looking at me like that!?"I yelled and glared at them "yeah! why are you so mean with us when we call you a nickname but not deku-kun?!?" uraraka said, "because the nerd has a death wish..."I glared as everyone rolled their eyes and ignore me, they probably don't believe me but is kinda true. 

Now that I think about it, I got used to the nerd calling me kacchan and not bakugo like everyone here, if he was to say my name I'll find it so weird....on the other hand, I will know how my name sound when he says it....just how my name rolls down his tong- wait?! hold the fuck up!! what am I thinking?!? 

I mentally hit myself to think of the nerd that way. I look at him and glared, I hate him, I really do....he's just! fucking annoying I can't stand it! I just want him to die! 

I ignore everything they are saying and went to sleep, it was late and I really don't care what they are going to do, I just want to sleep. I walk to my room and I enter my bed to sleep, I let a sigh as I heard steps and doors closing, guess they stopped and went to sleep.... good. 

I slowly start to fall asleep, everything was so silent, so peaceful...this is nice. 

*bakugos dream*

"Huh? where am I? why is it so black?...better not be another of Kirishima's and Denki's pranks...oi!! anyone there!?" I tolled and start walking, then a light shined so bright I close my eyes and place a hand in front of my eyes to cover some light, not long I saw students around, I frown my eyebrows as I look where they were and my eyes widened, Deku was standing on the side of the building "oi oi oi! Deku what are you doing!?!" I yelled as everyone just looked up at him "why isn't someone doing something!? get him off there!" I yelled and glared at all of them, I tried to move but my body was still like a statue "move! move stupid body" I yelled and tried to move, but it was hopeless, my body wasn't moving. "Deku don't do it! get the fuck down!!" I yelled and then everything turned red, my eyes widened as I look up seeing Deku falling, I reached out for him as he stopped in mid-air. I breathe heavily in horror as I look up at him, then at the people, my eyes widened as they looked just like me, they were laughing and looking at Deku. "shut up! don't laugh!!" I yelled and look around  seeing them laughing louder as Deku fell to the ground "no!!" I yelled and reached for him...


I woke up clutching my shirt as tears rolled down and I was sweating "fuck" I whisper and went to the bathroom to wash my face, I let a deep breath and went to bed trying to fall asleep again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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