7. Seeking

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3rd person POV

Great turned away from Artful, hiding his shocked expression.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about."

"There is a 5-digit code hidden within this city. I intend to find out what it is for!"

Great turned and glared at Artful.

"Arabelle. You are looking for trouble. Any information you are trying to get a lead on is classified. Now leave my office, Unstable should escort you out."

Artful left the Supreme  Leader's office, where he sat, wondering what to do.

If she looks any deeper into that code, things aren't going to go well.

Artful was met by a loud, blue operative sprinting towards her. He came to an abrupt stop in front of her.


Arabelle followed the twitching operative down the long hallways.


"I am Arabelle Deleon, nice to meet you."

The two reached a large door and Unstable turned around to give her a big grin.


"Bye, Unstable!"

He waved bye and Artful waved back. When the door closed, she gigged from the operative's strange behavior.

Well, he is unstable.

She continued skipping along the road to her residence when she recognized a few civilians from the Sunrise Telegraph. She waved and then realized her mistake. Both civilians spoke at the same time.

"Hey!  Aren't you that baker from Benevolent's Bakery?" Asked a civilian named Kerry.

"Don't wave to us or I'll cleave your shins out with a hot clothing iron," said the other, named Chev.

Kerry remained silent while Chev continued on, listening to his insults.

"Keep walking, you probably chew crayons and shove paperclips up your ass while on some weird shit."

Artful tried to respond, but was cut off.


"Did you not hear me? Keep walking."

Artful took the hint and continued on towards her residence.

Rude. He didn't have to be so mean.

(Sorry if i didn't quite make it as Chev as possible)

When she arrived at her destination, she ran inside, where she had an idea.

If The Supreme Leader won't give me the information I need, I will take it from him.

Artful pulled out her laptop. She opened up several computer extensions and began changing the coding of the computer. She continued until the screen went dark and rebooted saying,

'Welcome, [SUPREME LEADER].'

Suddenly, Artful felt a hand on her shoulder. She tensed up a bit and turned her head. Dauntless stood behind her, smiling. Suddenly his expression changed into one of shock and he snatched Artful's laptop.

"What are you doing?" She asked, trying not to raise her voice.

"You almost made a big mistake."

"What? What is it?"

Dauntless pointed towards the little arrow in the top right corner of the screen.

"Location services. You nearly forgot to turn it off. If they got any signals, you could have been tracked and this mission would be over."

"Nerd," Artful muttered.

They sifted through the files, finding nothing related to the code, but they found a lot of information related a cure for the Night disease.

"They aren't anywhere close."

Both Dauntless and Artful laughed. They continued learning more about the operatives, Dauntless documenting the information to take back to Horrid. After a while, the pair got bored and had began watching the television. They heard a knock the the door and Artful turned to look at Dauntless, but he had already disappeared into the shadows. She went and opened the door, to see Aesthetic standing in the doorframe. And he looked angry.

"Arabelle. We need to talk," He hissed.

"What's wrong, Noah?"

He grabbed her hand and dragged her across the room and held her up against the wall.

"You almost got caught? I can't believe you! You could have gotten killed, then what? This mission would be over. Would I be killed too? You can't get caught!" 

Aesthetic glanced at Artful and released her from his grip. He looked away for a few minutes, and when Artful caught sight of his face again, she noticed he was crying. Artful hugged her friend, trying to comfort him. Both Night operatives sat together, leaning on each other for support and they eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Artful woke up alone on her couch, television still on, but muted. She blinked sleepily and her eyes searched the room for any sign of her partner, but it seemed as though Aesthetic had left. She got up and got dressed. Artful made her way to the bakery and she and Benevolent made two wonderful cakes.

The first one was a cake with a layer of red, juicy strawberries separating 2 layers of sweet vanilla cake. It was covered in a layer of white buttercream icing and topped off with more strawberries.

Here is an idea of what it looked like: 

Here is an idea of what it looked like: 

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The other cake was a three-layer tall, flavorful cherry chip cake. Maraschino cherries were cut up and placed within the cake, and the juice was used to tint the cake a light pink. The cake was topped with smooth, baby pink icing and even more maraschino cherries.

( Link with more info about the cake: https://houseofnasheats.com/vintage-cherry-chip-layer-cake/ )

This is the cake:

The rest of the day went smoothly, and before Artful knew it, it was time to sleep

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The rest of the day went smoothly, and before Artful knew it, it was time to sleep.

(Hey! Sorry for not publishing this when I said I would, I need to stop saying things like this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Also I 10/10 would eat those cakes.)

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