4. A New Job

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Artful's POV

I woke from my sleep to hear loud gunshots and growling from outside of my residence. I looked down to see myself still in my civilian uniform, so I rushed outside in panic. The sound of a loading gun made me turn my head and I froze. I saw an orange operative holding me at gunpoint. He slowly lowered his gun and said, "Why are you outside and in your uniform, civilian?"

"Oh. I heard something and panicked a bit, so I went to see what the noise was."

"You are in your uniform, though."

"I was too tired to change when I went to sleep."

"I can understand that."

What? He isn't going to further question that? He must be delusional-

"Anyways, I am Unpredictable_Day. I suggest you head back inside your residence. There are many night creatures lurking around."

I turned back around and went to open the door when Unpredictable asked, "Wait, what did you say your name was?"

"I'm Arabelle! Arabelle Deleon!"

He hesitated before responding, "Well, nice to meet you. You should go inside now."

"Alright! Bye!"

Unpredi's POV


Isn't she the one with the weird application? Yes, she must be. It was Noah Powell as well? Yes, yes, it was them. She doesn't seem off, but people can be deceptive...

I continued on my night patrol, thinking about the meeting from a few nights ago.


"Do you all know why I called you here," the Supreme Leader asked.

All of the operatives shook their heads, except for Emotionless.

"An odd request for residences came in. The location the application was sent from was marked as 'missing'. This has never happened before."

"Supreme Leader, what are these civilians' names?" asked the pink operative.

"Well, Benevolent, their names are Arabelle Deleon and Noah Powell. You all should keep watch over them. Radiant_Day shall also perform [OPERATION] 007. Understood?"


End of flashback

I have to follow the Supreme Leader's orders.

Timeskip to morning

Artful's POV

I sat on my couch reading the book I got from Dynamic about the Night Coalition.

Let's see what the Days Union has to say about us.

'The Night Coalition is a group of horrible monsters that emerged from the Darkness.'

A snickered a little upon reading that line.

Monsters? What a joke.

'They created the Darkness Virus. A virus that ravages and consumes any living thing. No cure has been found, so far.'

I read for about 10 minutes when I suddenly heard a commotion outside. I didn't pay much attention until I heard Aesthetic yelling, 


I ran outside to see a civilian laying in a pool of blood on the ground and Aesthetic yelling at an operative dressed in all black.

The operative turned and pointed his gun at Aesthetic when suddenly a masked operative said, 

"Macabre, that is enough."

"You never let me have any fun, Placid."

 The operative named Macabre walked off, and I rushed over to Aesthetic to check if he was alright. The operative named Placid apologized for his comrade's actions.

"I am sorry about Macabre. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am,"  Aesthetic said kindly, "Thanks for saving me though."

"No problem. What are your names?"

"I am Noah Powell and this is Arabelle Deleon."

I though I saw the operative's eyes narrow, but I wasn't sure because of his mask.

"Well, I will be going now. Goodbye, civilians."

Placid turned around and went back the way he came,  while Aesthetic and I walked in the opposite direction. We talked about what we were going to do today, and decided to go and apply for our jobs. Aesthetic and I split ways and I headed towards the bakery. I walked past Dynamic's Bookstore and Dynamic waved through the window, so I waved back. I opened the door to Benevolent's bakery and was met by the sweet, warm scent of pastries. There was one other person inside, who seemed to also be an operative. Benevolent peeked his head out from the kitchen and greeted me.

"Hello, Arabelle! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. What about you?"

"Im feeling wonderful! This cake I am making turned out better than expected!"

"That is nice!"

Benevolent took off his apron and came over. He then gestured to the other operative.

"Arabelle, this is Radiant_Day. I am assuming you two have not met before?"

Before I could speak, the brown-wearing operative stood up and came over to shake my hand.

"We have not met before. It is nice to make you my acquaintance. You are looking radiant today~"

"It is nice to meet you too, Operative Radiant."

"Oh, just call me Radiant!"


"I have to go report to the Supreme Leader. Bye!"

Benevolent and I waved goodbye and after he was gone, he turned back to face me.

"So, what brings you here, anyways?"

"Oh, right! I was wondering if I could help with baking and-"

"Of course! I can't always keep the Bakery open because I also go to the Hospital, so it will be great to have someone help me with the pastries and baking!"

I spent the remainder of my day in the kitchen with Benevolent. He showed me the different recipes he used and was glad that I seemed to catch on so quickly. 

Radiant's POV

I entered the Supreme Leader's office and was quickly acknowledged.

"Greetings, Radiant. What brings you to my office?"

"Hello, Supreme Leader. I have met the civilian Arabelle Deleon as of today. Should we begin 007?"

"Yes. We must be absolutely sure she isn't one of them."

A/N: Sorry for not uploading for a few days. I have been busy with schoolwork and I have also been drawing much more than usual. Anyways, I hope you are enjoying my book, so far.

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