part 6

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Noah's pov
she seems so excited. I can't wait to hang out with her again.

                            group chat
            finnie 🔥- Finn
            millay 🦋- millie
            gaetano 💀- gaten
            chocolatedaddy- caleb
            sink 😎- Sadie              
            schnapple- Noah

schnapple: guys we have a problem
millay: what? x
finnie: what do you need
schnapple: so basically...
sink: we're waiting
gaetano: hurry up then
schnapple: I have a crush on Chloe's best friend.
chocolatedaddy: oh shit
millay: does chloe know?
schnapple: yes
millay: what did she say?
schnapple: she thinks it's 'cute'
finnie: is SHE cute?
schnapple: yes
schnapple: very cute
finnie: aw smol bean is in love 😘
schnapple: shut up finn
chocolatedaddy: so what's the problem then?
sink: i'm kinda confused
sink: if chloe's fine with it then what's the problem?
schnapple: y/n doesn't know
millay: that's a cute name!
gaetano: are you gonna tell her?
schnapple: i'm not sure if she likes me back
gaetano: ask chloe
schnapple: i did
schnapple: chloe said that she's denying it but it's obvious
sink: that's good!
schnapple: i've got to go, talk to you later
millay: bye!
finnie: bye schnappie
sink: bye, good luck
gaetano: bye
chocolatedaddy: bye

y/n pov
that was so fun. i can't believe he's getting the cast to come round! he's awesome. i would love to hang out with him again. as I walk upstairs to chloes bedroom, I hear whispering.
'we need to set them up'
'noah's clearly in love'
are they talking and noah?
I barge in, 'ash! chlo!'
the whispering immediately stops.
'y/n!' they both say
'how was it?' chloe says excitedly.
'it was good' i say
'just good?' ash sounds disappointed
'no! it was great, i loved it!'
'so you would do it again..?' chloe hints.
'oh shut up!' I blush
'you really like him don't you!' chloe laughs
'yes. yes i do'
they exchange a glance and then...
'what?' I ask
'nothing' they giggle hysterically.
'let's get set up for the party!' chloe shouts
noah rushes in with the decorations and we get started. I hang some bunting and ribbon around the huge living room while ashley sets up the beds and sofas. chloe goes to the kitchen and returns with a BUNCH of snacks, from potato chips to ice cream, even froot loops!
noah retrieves a bunch of games from a cupboard and lays down a new rug to play them on. it looks great! all of it! chloe rushes to her room, and when she comes down, she is holding a massive stranger things poster, she sticks it up with some blu-tac and then
'ta dah!' she shouts, doing jazz hands.
we all begin to laugh and eventually we all lie down in the floor. we're exhausted from all the decorating.
I look at the click, 4:30! already!
we have half an hour until the rest of ty r cast arrive so we go up to chloes room to talk. noah stays downstairs, waiting.
'don't eat all the chips!' I earn from the tips of the stairs. I hear that amazing laugh and my stomach fills with butterflies, yet again...

authors note: thank you for reading (if you made it this far 😔) there will be much more romance in the next part!

Change My Mind :) Noah Schnapp x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang