the bad side

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Alpha(the red knight pack)

so it was the morning of the big fight and i cant wait. we brought about 100 of my best wolves with me.  we are just outside the lines to were they cant smell us.  now we wait tell midnight and we go in when they are asleep and i get what is mine.  as i was sitting and relaxing and dreaming of her when  my beta came up to me

"sir, we have some news."

"ok what is it.'

"well um.'

"WHAT IS IT! you know i hate that tell me" i used in my alpha tone

"well we just got word that Jake is still alive and he just joined the snow pack."

"WHAT! i thought u killed him 2 years ago."

"i thought i did, sorry sir."

"dont worry he can watch me take his little girl from him then i will kill him infront of her" i said with  huge smile on my face.

"we still go at midnight"

"yes get the men together fo a metting now"

as he went to get the men together i slowly was walking to the platform with a huge smile cause now we ar going to have some fun.

Londons pov

it was now 6pm and we know that they were coming at midnight. so my best men were doing some quick tranning for the fight. i know we are going to win cause Jake told us everything when he came eariler. maya and te women and kids will be down in the basement in our safe room with a few of my men there to make sure no one get through to them.  maya dads came up to me

"London if anything happens to me keep them safe for me."

"of course sir. i love your daughter very much in fact since your here now i would like to ask you for your daughter hand in marrage. i asked her mom and she said yes. i was planning on asking her to marry me tonight as her brithday gift but now that we have to fight i will ask her when its done.'

" of course you may ask her she is your mate and she is having you baby and the next alpha." he said

" thank you sir i will make her happy always.' i said with a uge smile

"So were arewe going to go and set up if i may ask?" asked jake

"we will leave shortly. i want to make sure we have all of the area ready so once they are in they wont get out. can you tell me what the alpha looka like?"

"Ya he is all black but the tip of his tale and all four paws are grey." jake said

i walked up to the platform and called all 150 of my men to come up.

"So we are getting reday to movie out in half hour so go and kiss your loved ones and meet back here." i said in my alpha tone

i got off the plateform and started to walk to were all the men were heading to the basement were all the women and kids are.

Mayas pov

So i was down in the basement with all the other women and kids. it was huge down here. it had a full kitchen, 3 full bathes, 3 1/2baths, a nursey for the babys, games room for the teens, play area for the little ones.  i was sitting down talking with my mom and londons mom about the baby.

"mom you will help me right?" i asked

"of course sweetheart. i can help watch the baby when you go to school cause you will be finnish  school and go to collage." she said

"thanks mom, i cant wait and i know it will be hard but im luna so this is my job."

just then london linked me

~baby im coming to give you a kiss cause we leave soon. tell the women we are coming~

~ok love you~

" ladys," i said in my luna voice " the men are coming to give us kisses, so give them a kiss and tell the see you soon and not goodbye. got it."

"yes luna" all the women said

about 5 min later we heard the big door open and in came the males. London came up to me and gave me a big hug and kiss, then he got on his knees and gave my belly a kiss and looked up at with a huge smile.

'What is it baby?"

"nothing i just cant belive im going to be a dad soone" he said

'i know but we have our family and the pack to help us"

" you are right my luna but there is somthing i have to ask u."

i looked at him  and he lookes over to my dad and i saw him nod his head then a loud whistil came and the room went quite. right then i knew somthing was up. i looked back down at london who still had his hands on my belly.

"London what wrong?"

"nothing baby. you know i love you and i would do anything for you and now our kid so i guess what i am asking is will you marry me?"

i looked at london with tears in my eyes and i sawhim pull a box out of his pockect and open it up. i lost my breath cause it was the most awsome ring i saw. it was gold with a dimond in the middle of it in the shape a paw. i looked at london and i can tell he was getting nervious cause i was taking to long.

"Yes i will marry you." i said

he jumped up and was spinning me around but i to make him stop cause i had to run to the bathroom. when i came back out he put the ring on my finger and kissed it.

"im sorry. i love you"

" its ok im sorry i shouldt of done that and i love you to.

Londons pov

after we all got our hugs and kisses we went to the back yard and headed out. once we got to the area we we are going to ambush them i started to hand out orders to who was going were. my third took his group it set up to the east.  i had another group to the west. my group had me and my beta in it and my best men sat down and we watied. i had Jake (mayas dad) who i trusted go and spy to let us know when they were moving. he can do this cause he can turn off his scent on and off. it was about 1130 when Jake linked me

~london there moving, im on my way back~

~ok ill tell th rest to get ready~

i opened my link t the pack and told them all to shift and get ready.


i hope you guys aare happy. inkow it took a whle but i got over my block and the next chapter will be the fight witch i will upload tomarrow. PLEASE TELL ME HOW I DID 

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