the new wolf

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so here is the chapter you have been waitting for sorry it took so long to upload.  can you PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT so  know how im doing.

chapter 12

Maya pov

          I woke up after a amazing night with London.  I turned around and was watching him sleep so peacefully.  I decided to make him breakfast so I gotup slowly to get in the shower without waking him up.  When I got into the bathroom I turned on the shower on and before I got in a made sure that it was nice and hot fo my sore body.  When it was just how i wanted it I got in and man did it feel good on my body after last night.  Then out of no were I gt ths sharp pain that stared o make me cry. The next thing I knew London was in the bathroom asking me what is wrong.

Londons pov

        I woke up to hearing Maya crying in the bathroom so I got up and ran to her.

"Whats wrong sweetheart.

"I dont know it hurts lke somone trying to rip me from the inside out." she said

   I heard a bone snap then she let out a scream that mde my heart brake cause I know this was going to be hard for her being her frist change. So I mind linked Luke.

~Luke met me outside NOW~

~whats up~

~Maya"s changeing. get her mom and bring her to~

~I'm on my way~

   I picked up  a pair shorts I found on the floor put those on , then I picked up Maya out of the shower and took her ot side.  A few minutes later Luke, Cory Casy, Zoe, my parents and Maya's mom was there to watch Maya change for the frist time.  I pulled Mya into my lap cause the say if you havea mate they can help with the pain by talking to you  in a soothing way.

"Sweetheart try not to let your wolf take over all the way just give her enought to change into your wolf.

"ok but keep talking to me cause the pain is not so bad." maya said

  I was talking to her and her bones were snaping really fast now so it was mintues away, then there was a beautifull white wolf with  black paws. I changed into my black wolf and mind linked her.

~Maya you there~

~Yes, but tired~

~That's ok just rest for a mintue ad when your ready open your yes~

Maya's pov

 That was the worst pain I ever went through. I just layed there like London told me to. About 10 mintues past I linked him

~Ok i'm opening my eyes now~

  When I opened my eyes there was  big black wolf in front of me and my wolf whimperd.

~It's me baby i'm the black wolf no one is going to hurt you~

~London what do I look like~

~hold on a min. Casy is bring a marrior so you can se what you look like. you are amazing looking sweethert~

    Casy put the marrior in front of Maya.

~ WOW I look cool. white with black paws.~

~told you that your amazing looking. Do yo thik youwan to go for a run~

~Yes I am. Is the guys coming with us~

~Just Luke and Cory so the can watch our backs cause I will be teaching you things~

~ok lets go~

     We ran for for a while. The speed, new smells, new eyes sight was all so cool to have. We came to a open field and I decided to play with London. I turned around an jumped on him but he was to fast and i fell to the groung.

~Why did you move I wanted to play~

~I know butwe dont have time we need to get back. we have been running for 2 hours~

~WOW, it doesnt feel like that.~

~No it never does but we need to get back so you can rest. You will be tired when you change back into your human self.~

   We ran back to the house and changed back. The cool thing is that our clothes dont rip off when we change into wolf form. My mom was outside waithing or us. I ran to her ad gave her a big hug.

"I love you mom. Thank you for reading me all those books cause I would be a big mess right now."

"Your welcome and you look so beatieful in you wolf. Your dad would be so happy for you if he was here." she said

"I know he would be to mom."

Mysterys pov

   I turned off my scent so no one knew I was there.  Only Aphas have that power to do that but it takes alot of hardwork to get it right. I have been wtching Maya for a year now and she had grown into a beatiful young lady. I cant wait tell next week on her 18th bithday so I can show myself to her.

Well  hope this chapter was ok for you guys. having writes block about the fight whtch i only 2 chapters away. If any one as ideads please comment me and i will make sure i tell everyone you helped so let me know thanks   MO 

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