The new pack member

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so my hubby fixed his laptop so now i can update a chaprter so here we go.  I still need to know how im doing please tell me me thanks.    mo

Chapter 13

Mayas pov

This last week went by so fast.  It was a crazy week to start with cause I got the bad looks from the girls when I came to school on the side of the cutes boy in school London, but I didnt care cause they cant take him away from me cause he his mine. As the week went on the glares died down a little. Now its Friday and my brithday is today and I cant wait to see what London has got me.  I was getting out of bed and I noticed that London was not there so I got out of bed and ent to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. When I was getting ready to jump in the shower I ran to the toilet and empty my belly.  When I was down I got in and never thought twice about it.  I got done geting reay I went down staires and went to the kitchen and ther was London with a signal red rose and my fav pancakes chocoholic chip with whip cream on them. 

"Those for me." I said

"All for you baby, happy brithday." London said

"Thanks baby best brithday so far, cant wait to see what you got me." I said

"Well your going to have to wait for that later." He said

So I ate my food ad off to school we went. When we got there all of our friends were waiting for us. Zoe and Casy ran up to me.

"Happy brithday, so did he give you a gift yet?" they said at the same time

"Thanks guys, and no I have to wait till later for my gift."I said

So we all walked into the school and  went to our lockers, then off to our classes.

Londons pov

I got up before my baby and to make her pancakes for her brithday.  I wanted to give her her gift but I decided to wait to tonight when we are alone. I heard her coming down the stares so I took the singal red rose and sat down next to her panckaes and she walked in with a big smile on her faceand looked at me.

"Those for me' she asked

"All for you baby, happy brithday."

"Thanks baby best brithday so far, cant wait to see what you got me." she said

"well your going to have to wait tll later." I told her

When she was done we went to school and when we got out Zoe and Casy came runing to her. I decided to go to my locker and go to class to try and get this day over with.  It was all most lunch and I could tell that maya hasnt felt good since the end of 1st hour so I decided to mind link her

~baby you ok~

~im ok~

~no your not I can fell it, what wrong~

~my belly is not feeling ok but I will make it throug school~

~ok I will see you soon at lunch, love you~

~love you to~

So 30 min later the bell went off for lunch to start and I went to my locker to drop off my bag and books and then off to find Maya. I walked ove to our table and Maya hd her head down on the table. I ran over to her.

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