The beginning

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My name is Takado, im 17 and im a second year. My life wasn't that fun till i joined is school.
Its lunch break at school and everyone is talking to each other. I was on the rooftop with a group of friends chatting about everyday things. It was just us because nobody like going up to the rooftop. It's only because most confessions were made up here so to give privacy nobody goes up there. Me and my group of friends chill there because we liked to watch people get together or get rejected and besides it was a good spot to smoke anyways.

"do you think there would be another confession here?" Oiji questioned

Ojiro is my childhood friend and my bestfriend

"don't think so? I mean there was one yesterday so-" Akira replied but got interrupted

"just cause there was one yesterday doesn't mean there wont be one today!" Daiki exclaimed as he cut off Akira's reply

Daiki and Akira are my other friends, we got along well because we had similar tastes, although Eiji and Akira don't.

"i was talking first!" Akira complained
"like i care! Human trash" said daiki with crossed arms

They began fighting and we laughed at their fight, then at the corner of my eye i recognized a face i knew with just one glance. It was hiroshi, the guy thats pretty popular but hard to approach to and he of course he is with a girl. It seems like he is being confessed to.

"Hey guys, look!"

I pointed at the direction and everybody turned their heads. Hiroshi was looking cool and smug, and that girl looks bubbly trying to act cute. Her face is so red, it definitely is a confession.

"do you think she is gonna get rejected?" Akira asked.

"Rejected, definitely" i had said without a doubt

After she stopped talking there was a small silence between those two, all of a sudden Hiroshi replied with a short words and left the girl app alone.He opened the door and went down. The girl suddenly broke down into tears.

"damn, thats cold" Akira commented
"hasn't he always been like that" Daiki agreed, "he sure is popular, thats the 5th one" Said Ojiro

They were ranting on about how much of a bastard he is and i just wondered why he'd reject so many pretty girls.

"he gets so many like that game already began and he is the crown" said Akira as he let out a sigh

"You cant blame him, he has a pretty good face" I said that as i let out the smoke in my lungs.
Although I did too he wonder why he rejects so many pretty girls.

The school bell rang and it was time for classes. I went back to class and everyone was whispering to each other. I got shocked and when i looked at the teachers desk. I understood when i saw that there was a yellow yarn on the desk.

"The game has started"

The students went to their seats because the teacher had arrived

"Who put this yarn on the desk? Well whatever lets begin todays lesson..."

Nobody cared about the lesson, because there is only one thing in their mind, its all about the game that can determine their future.


After the period had finished, a student wearing mask came to the class. It is one of the students who was assigned to officially start the game.

He read out the rules and instructions of the game and opened the door. All the class students were listening intensively and were excited for the game to officially start.

"Ready, set, go!"

Everyone rushed out of the class room and had spread out. I was roaming around the school without any luck. Then i searched the outside grounds. Still no luck.

"I only wanted a green ribbon that's all."

I stopped beneath the shade of the tree. I looked up and stretched my arms because my muscles got stiff, and surprisingly i found a purple ribbon tied to a branch of the tree above me.

"No way! And i thought my luck was rotten!"

I began to slowly climb up the tree but i kept slipping. I looked around to see if there was other ways getting to the tree. I noticed there was a window close to it.

"Im such a dumbsass, That's how they tied it to the branch"

I quickly started running and got to the first floor. I entered the classroom that was empty and dusty. Its another place that hadn't been used like the rooftop. I looked out the window but to my surprise the ribbon was no longer there

"Damn, someone beat me to it? My luck is rotten after all"

I turned around and tried to head back outside. But there was another student i was familiar with, Hiroshi, leaning on to the door, he was holding the purple ribbon.

"You! You were the one who beat me to it!" I exclaimed as i was surprised

"Why are you upset?" He said in a deep monotone.

Come to think of it this is the first time i had heard his voice.

"Well sorta, but you beat me fair and square, ill head out to search for other ribbons" I said as tried leave going beside him, but he lifted his arm stopping me.

"Too bad, the time is up 10 minutes had gone by"

I glanced at him, i was surprised. He had a mischievous look on his face.

"Then i guess i have to go back to class room"
I pushed his arm down and passed him.

"Lucky for you, i have another ribbon"

I turned around and stared at him.

"Which color?"
"It's definitely not red"
"How do i know if you're lying or not"
"Why don't we go to the class room and find out? You have nothing to lose right?"

I looked at him with suspicion and followed him back to the class. I mean what could go wrong?


He opened the class room door and turns out we were the last ones to get there. He took out the purple ribbon and gave it to the masked student. Everybody started whispering at how Tadaka was crown.

"Your ribbon please"

The masked student spoke as he stretched his hand out.

"He has it"

I pointed at Hiroshi, he then took out the other ribbon from his pocket.

I was dumbstruck.

The color was black. Which means-

"You're the target"

A breeze went down my back, because i knew everybody was looking at me like how a beast looks at their pray. I felt sick. And its because this guy tricked me!


I looked at his face, his eyes were clearly looking down on me. I gave him a cold glare.

Ribbon RanksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon