At the tower

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The next day, Ned and Peter were standing outside of Avengers Tower, practically buzzing with excitement.

"Dude, this is so cool! I can't believe we're actually going to hang out with Tony Stark!" Ned exclaimed, then looked over at Peter, "Do you think Miss Potts is going to be there?"

Peter shrugged, "She might be. She might be in a meeting but we could see her another time."

Ned gasped at him, "Another time?" He whiper-shrieked.

Peter laughed and grabbed his friend by the forearm. "Come on."

They walked inside and across the lobby, their shoes clicking on the polished marble stone.

As they rode the elevator up to the communal avenger's-only floor, Ned started to get jittery again.

"If you're going to be doing your suit with Mr Stark, what will I be doing?"

"The suit will probably only take half an hour," Peter replied, "You can help too if you want? You are my guy-in-the-chair after all. And afterwards I suppose we can do a tour and then just... chill."

The doors slid open and they stepped out. In front of them was a corridor which lead to a wide room with floor to ceiling windows, in the corner was a sleek black countertop which looked like it lead to a kitchen round the corner. On the opposite side of the room was a selection of the most comfiest, expensive looking couches Ned had ever seen, all facing a large flat screen tv hung on the wall.

The sound of approaching footsteps made them turn around. Mr Stark was walking towards them wearing a fancy looking suit that Ned couldn't even guess what brand it was from.

"Hey Mr Stark!" Peter grinned and motioned to Ned, "This is Ned."

Tony's mouth twitched upwards at the awed expression on Ned's face.
"Hey Ned."

Ned stammered, "H-Hey Mr Stark"

Peter smiled at his best friend, then looked back to Mr Stark. "Don't worry, he'll be like this for a few minutes and then he'll start talking your ears off."

Mr Stark laughed, "Like you, then?" He ruffled their hair and turned on his heel. "Come on then, Peter will give you a tour and I'm going to change into something more comfortable. I just came back from a meeting." He made a face like he'd swallowed a sour plum. "I'll join you both in a few."

They nodded and watched as he walked away. "So," Peter said excitedly, "What do you want to see first?"

When I'm With YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora