Embarrassing situations

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Y'all I'm starting to feel really back into this story now so another update! *whoop!*
Peter's POV
Peter wringed his hands nervously, biting his lip and looking at the floor, anticipating what was to come.

He looked up as the sharp sound of heels clicked against the floor and saw his mentor, Tony, walk across the stage (or platform) and come to a stop in the middle, looking out sharply at the students.

Peter sighed and slumped against his chair. Oh how he wished the ground would just swallow him whole. But most things Peter wished for usually didn't come true, and apparently this was one of those times.

Next to him he could practically feel the excitement radiating off Ned.

"Dude! This is so cool" He whispered.
"Uh, sure Ned."

Honestly, he wasn't sure how he felt. Tony had already calmed his nerves before school but he still felt the anxious butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.

Tony tapped the microphone a few times before clearing his throat. He looked like how he usually did in front of the press, his expensive dark grey Armani suit, polished shoes and, of course, his trademark tinted sunglasses.

"So," He began, clasping his hands together, "it has come to my attention that this school has a slight issue with bullying." He said, keeping a level gaze across all the students in the room.

"Now, I'm not going to start sprouting off some Childline crap," He paused, getting dissaproving looks from some of the teachers, whatever, he couldn't care less. "But what I am going to do is remind you guys that, well, how you act and what you do around this stage of your life can severely affect your future. You only spend a short time here until you're off getting jobs and settling down." He walked around the stage a bit before continuing. "But what I want you guys to remember is, in school you have a lot more to worry about and do than to make other students lives harder for them, because all its gonna do for you is land you in trouble," He finished with a discreetly pointed look towards Flash.

Everyone stayed quiet, glancing at Peter and Flash, then looking back to the man on the stage who was now walking off to stand on the side, letting the Head take his place.

The Headteacher cleared her throat, "Well, thank you for that Mr. Stark, certainly some words of wisdom there and-" She was cut off by the bell, signalling the first lesson. "And that's the end of our assembly, everyone get to lessons on time!" She called out as everyone made a move to get up.

Peter looked towards Tony and they locked eyes. He nodded his head in slight gratitude and the message was clear, 'thanks'. Tony grinned in response, he felt as if his whole day couldn't go wrong now, even if Peter was still dying from embarrassment across the hall. Well... it's a dad's job to embarrass his kids, isn't it?

A/N: Aaahhh I'll be honest with you, I still have the Childline phone number screwed into my head from all the assemblies we used to have about it!

Also as for the last line I wasn't going to add it in but hey, we all need some Fatherly!Tony in our lives.

-Althea Hellfire

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