chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

It's been a week since school started. It's still the same nothing major has happened the pass week. Me and Jabez have talked every now and then during physics and ocasionally once he texts me for help on the work. He's a pretty cool guy especially for being seen as one of the most popular guys at this school. Vanessa still glares at me every now and then she still hasn't came up to me and say something to me but eh what can you do. Right now it is fourth period, with vanessa. I take my regular seat and plug in my ear buds not really wanting to pay that much attention today. "Hey your (y/n) right Jabez friend?" Some guy comes up to me asking. "Yeah I know Jabez why". "That's cool he's our friend we just wanted to see if you wanted to come to the part we are having". "Uh sure" "cool anyways my name is donavin, that's Andre, and the curly hair one is tommy." "Nice to meet ya." "anyways can we trade phone numbers so text you the information". "Yeah sure" he hands me his phone and I give him mine. After trading numbers they head to their seats and class begins. Class was mostly note taking but since I had my head phones in I only really wrote important details I heard over my music. Class ends and I head to go meet nicole and daryan. We decided to have lunch at school today. Today's subject of the group was people we found cute and or had our eyes on. Daryan was talking about this one girl who sounds kinda familiar but I can but a finger on it. Nicole was talking about this appearantly hottest guy of the school. Then it comes down to me. "So what bout you (Y/n)? Anyone catch your eye?" Nicole asks wiggling her eyebrows at me. "No not really honestly." Daryan starts to smell around the air. "Nicole you smell that? I smell cap". "Yeah (y/n) at least actually come up with a better lie next time". "Well I wouldn't say he caught me attention I just think he's attractive". "Ooo what's his name?!" Nicole says getting excited. "I'm not telling you guys cuz there's no point I just find him attractive that's it". "Yeah sure, anyways are we gonna hang out tonight or what? You guys ditched me yesterday plus it's Friday come one we have to hang out." "I'm in daryan says. "Yes that's one, (y/n)?"
"I should be free after school so yeah I'm in". "Yes okay so I was thinking we can get something to eat, then after go to that new arcade play some games and take some pictures for instagram since they have blacklights and neon lights and stuff. Sound like a plan? Good." "Which one of us is driving" I ask. They both point at me. "Ugh fine but you guys are pitching in gas money". The bell rings and we all head to the last two class of the day. Law was a debate on a case that we have each been assigned in duos the prosecutor and the defendant. We didn't finish all the cases since the teacher was the judge of our case so we'd be continuing on monday. Physics class I had to pay attention due to us being assigned a project that we'd have to work on with our table partner. This meaning I've been patnered with Jabez. Our project was to make a display explaining the working and assembly of a hearing aid and how it creates or enhances hearing. "Okay so how you wanna do this" Jabez says turning to me. "Well to make it simple on us we'd have to the mechanics of the hearing aid and how it processes sound waves to the brain". "Okay so did you wanna do a poster, a presentation, or did you have something in mind. "Well a poster would probably be easier since we and print out images and type out information". "Okay so let's get started we should look up the mechanics of the hearing aid". I nod and we start doing our research. Jabez reads off the article while I right down important information I hear. "Wow you have really pretty handwriting" he says. "Oh thank you". We continue to do our research and the bell eventually rings and we all start packing our stuff in our backpacks. "So did you want to work on our project over the weekend or did you wanna wait till monday?" He asks me as we walk out the classroom. "Hmm we can work over on it over the weekend if you want". "Great I'll text you tonight so we can plan something". "Okay sounds good". We both say goodbye as we exit the school and head separate ways. "Ooo (y/n) has a boyfriend". (b/n) says walking up to me. "Yeah that's just one of them". I say walking to my car. "What!?" "I'm kidding gosh lighten up, plus he's not even my boyfriend". I start up my car and start driving us home.
*time skip*
We get to the house and see mom's car in the driveway. "Hey kiddos how was school" mom asks as we walk inside. "Good" we both say in unison. "Oh hey mom is it fine if I go out with nicole and daryan". "Well sure honey. Were you gonna be here for dinner or are you gonna eat with them?" "We were gonna get something to eat." "Okay well make sure to tell me once your leaving and don't get into to much trouble." "I won't thanks mom". I say walking up stairs texting nicole and daryan asking when should I pick them up. Arriving to my room I toss my phone on my bed and put my backpack on my desk chair. I instantly get a text notification from my phone on my bed. I grab it and see that it's a text from Jabez.

Hey so when are you free to work on the project?

I should be free tomorrow.

Okay tomorrow it is. We can work at my house if that's cool with you?

Sounds good, tomorrow at your house at what time?

Around 10? The address is

Okay sounds good see you then.

Just then I get another text from nicole telling me to pick her up at 6 and for daryan to be ready at 6 too. After putting my phone on the charger I walk down stairs to help out mom while she cooks dinner. We start talking about school and how it's going so far. "So anyone your interest in?" Mom ask suddenly. "No not really, trying to focus on school than boys." "Honey come on I'm your mom I gave birth to you I can tell when your lying." "Okay well there is this one guy I find attractive but I wouldn't say I have a crush on him, he's just nice and not an asshole like most guys." "Well it's good your not falling in love fast. What's his name?"
"Jabez." "So tell me more about him". I go on a describe to mom about Jabez almost everything I know about him, sheesh kinda creepy. "Well he seems like a nice guy. But remember it took me 9 months to create that heart of yours don't let someone break it in seconds, okay?" "Okay mom" "okay sweetie now go your friends are waiting for you." She says giving me a warm motherly hug. "Okay see you when I get back". I walk up to my car pulling my keys out of my back pocket at the same time my phone notification goes off.

Where the hell are you? I said 6, it's 6:15!!

I'm on my way.

A short drive later I pull up to Nicole house. Shortly after texting her I was here she walks out her front door and gets in the back seat since daryan a giant for the back seat and needs his "leg room". "Okay off to go get the giant". Driving off from her house a short drive away from Nicole house filled with nicole's singing and performance we arrive at daryans house. Daryan gets in the passenger seat and we drive off to go get something to eat. After a short argument between nicole and daryan about what to eat we decide to get some burger king. "Guys I didn't get a crown" nicole says. "Nicole your 17 why would they give you a crown." Daryan says laughing. "I'm a go ask for one". I say walking to the front counter thingy. "Can I help you" the worker guy says giving a smile. "Can I get a crown please" I say laughing a little. "Sure thing cutie" he hands me the crown. "Stop flirting with the customers newbie". One of the workers says to the guy. I smile and thank him once again walking back to nicole and daryan. "Thanks-" nicole says grabbing my crown. I quickly pull it out of her reach. "Uh-huh my crown you didn't ask for one". "Aw come he only gave you one cuz he has the hots for you". "I mean can you blame him". We finish our food and head to the arcade. We get a whole bunch of coins thanks to daryan. We become some big little kids playing all kinds of games and running around the arcade everytime we saw another game we wanted to play. "Okay guys we gotta get some good pictures for instagram and memories." After taking some pictures for each of us to post we head back to my car and I drop the each off at their house. After that I arrive back home and let mom know that I got back safely and that I'm heading to bed. After finishing my nightly routine I head to bed slowly drifting into sleepy town~

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