"Well girls, I guess I better let you go now," Dad says as he squeezes me so tight, I think my eyeballs might pop out. I'm going to miss him so much, but not as much as I'll be worrying about him.

"I'm going to miss you, Dad. More than you can imagine, and I promise to call every day,"

"I'm going to miss you too. Now get going before I drag you back inside and change my mind!" He hugs me once again and kisses me on the cheek, and we both exchange I love you.

As Lucy and I pull away from my childhood home, I relish the sycamore tree planted out the front of my window, the brown bricks that are chipping at the edges of the walls, and the white-painted fence that is brimming on the edge of yellow. Of course, I glance at my father's face that holds happiness for his little girl making a world for herself, and the sadness that is washing over him as he sees us descend into a faraway land where he apparently thinks daughters aren't allowed to call their fathers. An outsider looking in would perceive this moment as the beginning of a film, where the young girl disobeys her parents by moving away, having troubled friends, and of course the dramatic look my face is holding as I stare out the window. But the truth is, my life couldn't be more opposite to some cliché family movie. I actually don't have a troubled relationship with my parent, well the one that's there anyway. Nor do I disobey my father's rules or am saddened by the fact that I won't be returning to some mediocre town, where the only prospect these people have is to pop out kids and work at the nearest Walgreens. No offense to the people whose life goal is to work at Walgreens. But I'd rather Lucy to pick her nose, roll it around and then make me eat it than work there for the rest of my life. I want to be a psychologist and help kids like me. Who went through what I went through. If I didn't go to those pivotal years of therapy, then I'm not even sure I would be here today.

"Why do you look so bummed? Aren't you excited we're about to start our fucking lives?!" Lucy yells with excitement, and I can't help but look back at her and shove her in the shoulder, which was probably a stupid thing to do considering she is a terrible driver.

"Yes, of course, I'm excited, I just want to get there already so I can unwind and do my pre-readings for Monday."

"Are you serious?! Pre-readings...how are we even friends?" Lucy whines.

"Well, some of us actually do go to college for an education,"

"But, it's a Friday night! And Austin told me there's a party at his frat house,"

"So? It's our first night here, I'm sure we will have the opportunity to go to many more parties over the next four years. Plus, since when was your brother in a frat, he doesn't seem like the type."

"I don't care, we are going. And it's a sophomore party so there will be plenty of older, cute boys to fill our needs. And I know, I give him so much shit that every time I say the word frat he gets so pissed."

After Lucy practically threatening our friendship over some stupid party, I unwillingly agree to go for one hour.

Lucky for us we were able to bribe our way into being dorm roommates. I literally couldn't think of anything worse than sharing a tiny ass room with a stranger, let alone being forced to shit and shower in the same place. Some people are into that, and that's fine. But we both agreed that friends who shit in the same bathroom are friends you should keep forever. There's another reason why my life is nothing like a movie.

When we arrive in our dorm it's just after eleven, so we decide to unpack our things and walk around campus to get our bearings. I came for orientation, so I know where most of my classes are, along with the general necessities such as the food court, because food and college are two very important combinations. By the time we get back, I personalize my room, so it doesn't look like a jail cell. I brought pictures from back home and stick them above my desk, along with weaving fairy lights around my bed head. I also managed to bring my record covers, so I put blue tack on the backs and stick them on the walls next to my single.

"Damn girl, you really did come prepared," Lucy says, as she stares at my wall in mere jealously.

"Yeah, I guess. If you want, we can go shopping this week and get some more stuff we can decorate the room with?"

"Sounds good. Maybe we could get some pink fluffy pillows, with love heart posters for over here? Oh! And I would love a red comforter, I've always wanted one of those, but mum said it wouldn't match my walls," Lucy rambles on and on about a supposedly pink and red themed room.

"Luc, last time I checked we live in a dormitory, not in some porno house, or Mr. Grey's red room for that matter,"

"Only you would bring Fifty Shades of Grey into this. But hey, if it means I'll meet some guy like Christian Grey then so be it," We both burst out in laughter, and settle on the pink fluffy pillows but nothing else.

I'm curling my hair for the party tonight but also thinking about my outfit choice. I mean I didn't know if I should just go simple jeans with a low cut top, or a tight dress. I look over at Lucy and see she is going for the tight dress option, so maybe I should just opt-out and wear the same. I finally decide on a black long sleeve mini, but it's cold out so I put on stockings with my boots.

"Are you actually going to wear stockings?"

"Luc, it's fucking cold out, you're going to freeze your little titties off in that mini,"

"Yeah, but I'm going to look hot at the same time, so it doesn't matter," I admire her confidence, god forbid anyone to tell her she doesn't look good. Although if someone did tell her that she probably wouldn't believe them anyway. She's got the perfect girl next door vibe, with her blonde hair and slim figure. No wonder why she could practically turn a blind eye.

Just before leaving I apply red lipstick and grab my beanie from my drawers, along with my puffer jacket. She may want to look good, but I'd rather look like a rugged up twelve-year-old than have to endure frostbite.

Even though it's freezing outside, we decided to walk since we both plan on drinking, and even though I'm only having one or two, I am not risking driving home. It's not hard finding what house the party is at since I can hear taste boom from a block away. Classy. When we arrive, the front lawn is already sprawled with drunk college students playing stupid beer games, and of course smoking. I can even see one guy throwing his guts up in the bush, and it's only eight. How do people let themselves get that pathetic so early on?

"Name?" the guy at the front door asks.

"Mila Summers and Lucy Gayle," a sheepish grin takes over the frat guy's face.

"So, which one of you would be Austin's little sis?"

"That would be me," Lucy responds in a flirtatious tone. Sheesh, and so it begins.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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