Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm that signalled I had been sleeping for exactly 4 hours. I got in from London last night, and honestly I am so fucking tired. I have the People's Choice Awards on Monday, and a dressing rehearsal this morning. The only reason I somewhat agreed to this rehearsal was because I knew Jo would be going. I tell ya, that girl is fucking hilarious. She always seems to make me laugh, whether that be laughing with her, or at her. Either way she makes me happy.

I get dressed by slapping on my black cap with a black shirt Ferragamo gave me.  I  check the time and I have 20 minutes to spare, so I decide to order myself a coffee and Jo a chai latte at the cafe down stairs. I remember to order it with almond milk and extra cinnamon, just the way she likes it. 

I finally reach where I am meeting our stylists and spot Jo. She's got her hair down, parted on the side, wearing a black and white spotty top that just reveals an inch of her waist. Her blue skinny jeans accentuate the perfect shape of her body, bringing flashbacks to our scenes in AWC. I had tried so  many times not to stare whilst cameras weren't rolling, but she made that very difficult. 

"Hey, how you been?" I ask, as I pass her drink over,

"yeah not bad, enjoying the time off. Thanks for the drink, you didn't have to do that."

"Nah, its's fine,"

Our conversation  is cut short by the stylist who calls us over. We both look at each other, and head over to the huge rack of dresses and suits for us to try on. The first lady gives Josephine a red dress that is definitely slim fitting. I can tell by Jo's reaction that  she isn't too keen on it, but the stylist raises her eyebrows, reminding Josephine of who's the fashion expert. 

"Where's the change room?" she asks,

"Down the hall. But we are running behind, so just try it on here," the rude lady remarks.

"Ummm, well, okay." I can she's uncomfortable by her stripping down, so I turn around and face the wall.

I hear her unzip her shorts and pull her top off, and quickly zip up the new dress. 

"I don't it too much? I mean it's very tight." She questions.

But I think it looks beautiful, I think she is beautiful. But she doesn't know that.

"No. not at all. I think this is the one. Is there even any point in trying on anything else?" the stylist states, and I nod in agreement. She catches my gesture and we lock eyes for an awkward moment. 

"I mean, it would make my life a lot easier. I only have to try on one suit then," I cover my tracks, making sure she knows that I was not flirting. Although on the inside I'm aching for her. 

'Okay then. This one it is," she says, grinning at me. 

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The love of Herophine Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя