It was.

Fang frowned. "Another sign of weird behavior... What does this mean...?" He couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried to think. Footsteps started getting closer but, Fang was too deep into his mind to hear.

Cahaya: "so fang~ what made you curious about us?"

Fang paused for a sec. The question hitting a realization Fang had subconsciously thrown to the very bottom of the pile.

Why? Why was Fang so adamant about learning more about them? Why was he so curious? Why was he so drawn to these septuplets? He didn't have an answer. It was like he was being pulled towards them. Like a magnet.

"I... I..." Fang muttered. Stuttering and struggling to find a good answer. "It... it's because... I feel so..." he tried again, finding it hard to explain it in words.

Angin: "yeah?? Yeah???"

Fang: "I... I feel this sort of... magnetic like feeling? It's like... I'm being pulled or... or drawn towards all of you or something...! I... I don't know anymore..."

Fang was looking down. He glanced up and found Cahaya with a shocked face. Air was surprised while Angin, Daun and Api were looking at each other then back to Fang, then back at eachother, then to Cahaya. As if they were waiting for him to have an answer for them.

"Another red flag... I don't understand why...!" Fang was getting more and more frustrated. He stopped walking, putting on his dark amethyst and cobalt blue jacket tied around his waist as he kept thinking of theory after theory after theory but, still no luck.

Fang can tell the Boboiboy siblings were hiding something from him but, the question is, What? What are they hiding and why?

Eyes watched Fang's back. Movements stiff and still. Waiting like a predator on a hunt for new prey.

Fang: "what are you all hiding?"

The question had come out before Fang could even register what had just asked. It was vague. Too general to give an answer. Fang quickly changed his question as he was stared down by curious, surprised and quizzical looks. "I meant! What're your secrets?!"

Air: "we don't really have too many secrets."

Angin: "yeah! ... Wai—"

Daun: "you forgot! Quake Isn't actually the oldest, remember? That's one secret!"

Fang was not expecting that. "What?"

Api: "oh yeah! Tanah isn't the oldest! It's actually Petir!"

Fang: "hold on! Really?!"

Cahaya: "yeah, Petir's the oldest. Angin's the second oldest. Tanah's the third."

Air: "I forgot about that..."

Angin: "Petir and I aren't really 'Big brother' material, are we?"

Cahaya: "Pfft– yeah, definitely. You act like a child Angin. Tanah's more older brother like than Petir."

Daun: "remember that time in middle school where we pretended that I was the youngest? That was really fun! tricking people!"

Air: "until Tanah found out and you guys got in trouble."

Api: "hehe, it was worth it!"

Boboiboy splits (highschool au)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora