Chap 9. Losing it. Finding it.

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"You've disobeyed a direct order. I told you to leave Phase rifles on Lethal under wartime protocols. Section 3, if I recall. So do you mind explaining this?"

"Sir, you don't have to--" Carson began.

"Don't have to what!?" Chief interrupted, raising his voice.

"You have no idea what I do and don't have to do. I just killed myself, Cadet. Do you really think I won't eliminate you as well if you prove to be a hindrance to this mission?"

Carson paused. He suddenly felt a little delicacy was in order.

"The mission absolutely takes priority sir... We both agree on that. I just thought since we have so little information at this point anything we could drag out of a native would be--"

"Noted, Cadet. Any other suggestions?"

Cornelius and Tucker came bursting out of the undergrowth. Both of them froze at the sight of Chief's rifle leveled on Carson.

Carson was going to try another angle of logic when the Native at Chiefs feet started to come too. He was a well built man, probably 30 years old, he wore furs and moccasins, his hair was long, his beard thick. He looked like a caveman. But even though he was groggy, and slow from the stun phase, the first words out of his mouth were undeniably English."

"Please... oh, Talson. Thank god--"


Chief shot him in the face at point blank, shouldered his rifle, and walked away like nothing happened. "Warzone protocols apply 24/7 from here on out. And remember. There's still one more member of this scouting party out there somewhere. We counted 11 at first, didn't we? Well I only count 10. Set rifles to Lethal, Cadets. And stay on your guard. That's an order. " He said over his shoulder as he walked away.

"What did you do?" Tucker dramatically flared his arms in sign language at Carson.

"Is Chief losing it?" Cornelius signed Carson.

They all turned and stared at Chief's back as he kept walking away.

"I think so.. I don't know. There's a lot he's not telling us. Stay close. We might have to initiate Ascension protocols." Carson replied.

Tucker and Cornelius both rolled their eyes and chuckled in unison. Carson raised a patient eyebrow. They paused. Thinking it over. Carson could watch the gears turn. Excitement for a change of leadership. Fear of changing the status quo.

Cornelius signed first. "But who? You?"

Carson took a deep breath. His fingers moved quickly as he signed. "Does it matter at this point? But just so we don't fight about it, my vote's on Brianna."

Tucker whistled at that.

Cornelius rolled his eyes.

Great. They were in agreement. Carson idly wondered if having a chain of command was really even necessary at all with a group this small now. Everyone had the same objective after all. Regardless, having a Chief give orders was something they were all used too. It had been that way for as long as they could remember. It was some small semblance of order in this cruel and beautiful world. Plus, Brianna would make a great Chief.

"Alright then."

Carson had 2 stun grenades left, along with his modified EMP grenade, in case they came across any more robots. Then he could disable them instead of having Chief just break them.

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