R⃣ a⃣ n⃣ d⃣ o⃣ m⃣ s⃣ h⃣ i⃣ t⃣

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Finding each others social medias:
-Always sees Violet taking pics of random shit
-asks her about it
-she says she just wants to remember them
-he asks if she has social media
-she says the cops might find her if she gets it so no
-one day he's on insta and Naegi made a group chat for the class
-he sees one account in the chat he isn't following yet he follows everyone
-looks to see it because he wants to kick it out
-guess who?
-sees she has all those pics on it
-sees her pics of her in a bikini from that time they went to the beach
-that's it
-he storms in her room
-she pretend 2 sleep like normal
-he wakes her up
-"omae wa mou shinderu"
-lets just say um.. stuff happened..
-he also found her wattpad
-she wrote X reader shit
-he saw she wrote smuts and shit
-he flipped
-he thought she was innocent
-guess not
-he read them
-he got ideas
-*Lenny intensifies*
-Is snooping through her classmates instas and what they follow and that shit
-because she's a stalker
-and why not
-Byakuya says a Togami is too good for social media and it's a disgrace she has it
-she sees an account
-the username is..
-she thinks it's a troll some person made to be funny
-she's gonna go yell at them for being an imposter despite thinking it's funny aswell
-hypocrisy intensifies
-she looks at the photos
-thinks they're a stalker
-sees some with his gf
-she's in them
-gets upset
-DMs this kid
-Byakuya is on his phone
-she spams it
-Byakuya looks irritated about some spam notifications
-she looks to show him the DMs
-sees his screen
-the messages she sent are there

-finds aesthetic music for them to listen to
-why not
-he also plays instruments for her a lot
-the wiki says he can play instruments
-so he can
-he learned your reality on every instrument
-she listened to that shit
-that's some commitment
-she found aesthetic French songs
-he played them
-he thought it was for peasants
-the people in the comments didn't know French
-he gave hate comments
-he play violin a lot for her
-her friends called her violin
-he got mad
-and played them violin on discord
-they ran
-he also listened to flea waltz and play on piano
-it reminded her of Kaeidiot
-I can see kaeidiot being her and Byakuyas child
-Violet hates children
-oh no
-I think if they had 2 children it would be Kaede and Maki and Kaede would be hated child and Maki would be favourite child
-Maybe I'll write a fanfic about that in a troll fanfic book
-this is getting off topic-
-He tried getting her to sing
-she sounded like that screaming the lyrics dude

-watches murder mystery 2
-and violet play flicker
-it's cool
-Violet dies a lot tho tbh
-watches true crime and exploring abandoned places
-more on youtube
-she also likes Netflix
-Byakuya thinks she's weird for watching some of the stuff she does

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