A Risky Game

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Miko, leaning over the register counter, bored, peered over at the puffy haired boy and smiled. He was currently just organizing and restocking some of the Hanobi store's items with a small smile plastered on his face.

They had been dating for quite some time now, though no one really knew, but the both of them did know that they would get in trouble if anyone did find out. Normally, both Miko and Five were alone at the store, handling the customers, selling the merchandise and just making sure that the place was tidy, however today Berg had joined the crew. He, on the other hand, was playing a video game demo on one of the Hanobi consoles on display.

That's when an idea popped into Miko's head. It was risky, but she had always loved the thrill of doing risky things.

"Heyyy Five!" Miko exclaimed in her usual cheery tone as she kneeled down beside him, who was now restocking some figuring collectibles. "Hey Miko." He beamed at the sight of the galaxy haired girl, "What's up?" Miko stared at him for a moment, not responding, before rolling her eyes in the opposite direction, "Nothingggg." She had said it in a singsongy tone, making Five suspect something. It was the voice that Five knew she was up to something.

To his surprise, Miko quickly turned back around and pressed her lips against his suddenly and pulled back.

"M-Miko!" Five whispered, his face also reddening. "We could've been caught by Berg or something!" Miko, however, just sat there, not responding. She had a huge grin on her face with a light blush before getting up and heading over to the register.

High Five watched as she walked over and helped a customer that had recently arrived, dumbfounded. "What could she be planning? Why'd she grin like tha-" Knowing Miko, he knew exactly what she was getting at.

"Game on," He whispered to himself before finishing restocking the aisle.

Not long after, he joined Miko behind the register counter once again, taking a quick glance behind to see if Berg was still focused on his game. Luckily, he was.

"Hey Miko, do you know if we have any more copies of Castlestein in stock?" Five remarked as casually as he could. Miko glanced up at him from his phone and shrugged.

"I don't know, I haven't che-" She was interrupted with a sudden kiss on the lips from Five.

Shocked by the sudden gesture, she blushed madly with a face of awe. "F-Five!" She gawked before giggling. Five giggled along. "Very slick," She laughed, poking his forehead with a grin on her face. Miko, satisfied by the fact that he caught on and the kiss, planned her next move. And she knew exactly what to do.

About an hour later, when Five thought they had finished their little game is when Miko executed her plan.

"Work is so boring today!" Miko exclaimed grumply, sitting on top of the counter. "Yea, it really is boring, it's a slow day." Berg commented, scrolling on his phone. Five, who was next to Miko, was resting his head on his palm and gave a tired nod. "It sure is." Five remarked.

Miko took a quick glance at Five and hopped off the edge of the counter, and walked over to the side closet in the store, which served as a mini storage room.

"Well, I'm going to see what video games I can borrow from the closet." She simply stated, already walking over. Five looked at Miko and turned his head back at Berg. "I'ma check them out too, Berg-anator." Five stated. "Alright, I'll wait here."

A part of Miko seriously was just bored and wanted to see what video games they had away in storage while the other half really wanted to catch Five off guard. She skimmed the shelves of all the game boxes before hearing footsteps behind her. Miko turned around and was face to face with Five.

"Hey Miko, I just decided to join you and check them out too." Five explained, scratching the back of his head and grinning awkwardly. "Mhmmmm," Miko teased with a smirk, clearly telling that he was lying. "I-It's t-true!" Five exclaimed, now blushing. Miko laughed in return, "Five, you should hear yourself right now, 'I-It's t-true!'" Five's blush only deepened, as Miko wrapped his arms around his neck. "Hehe, it's ok. You don't have to lie to mee!"

Five smiled a bit more confidently before holding the female glitch tech's waist and pulling her closer. Slowly, the pair leaned in for a kiss that lasted longer than they both expected, however, they weren't complaining. Five followed it up by a couple of quick kisses on Miko's cheek, causing her to wince with a smile as he did so. They went on with their hugs and small kisses before deciding to step out.

"Alright Five. I think we should get out of here before Berg suspects anything." Miko beamed with rosy cheeks. "R-Right." Five grinned back. She slowly let go of his neck as he removed his grip from her waist.much to their dismay, the duo left the closet and going back into the store.

Berg looked up from his phone when he noticed them leaving the side closet, and curiously stared at the smiling couple.

"What took you two so long in there? There's only like three small shelves of games in there anyways."

Miko and Five looked at each other nervously, the both of them sweating and their faces reddening.

"I-It's nothing!" The two said in unison.

A.N. Sorry for the slow upload, but I hope everyone enjoyed regardless. If you have any suggestions, please comment them! I could use some inspiration...   


Word Count: 970

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