season 1 part 19:kanji

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The next day

chie:yosuke insisted on us cramming together and  he's passed out

The group of friends are at Junes food court doing there home work all in their school uniforms and like chie said yosuke is out like a light

Yukiko:you know what there hasn't been a single incident during golden Week  it's odd

Yosuke raises like he's the undertaker

Yosuke:that's  what I was thinking it's something we need to discuss

Chie:sheesh it's like you just came back from the dead

Yu:looks good for dead

Y/n outside his faces in his hand


Yosuke:now that you've brought it up I put some thought into this and here's  what I've come up with  the first victim that we know of his miss yamada  after her saki  and then yukiko here is the third I don't think the victims were picked at random I think there's some sort of  deliberate motive  at play here 

Chie:a motive

Y/n:I don't think it's bakura as much as I don't want to give him a complement he's patient and his rather irritated with whoever is doing it going as far as to say there his enemy he's clear with his goal after me he wants to turn the world to darkness but only after we fight he doesn't usually kill without reason and if it was him I could stop it from happening so it's not him and on top of all that there isn't a connection wait ms yamada saki then yukiko all three of them are female


Everyone looks at chie

Chie:are you saying you think the creep doing it is targeting women why

Yosuke:well all three victims are linked saki is linked to miss yamada because she found the body yukiko is linked

Yu:because Ms yamada stayed at her family inn

Yosuke:so here's what we have to go on so far any girl who's associated with  miss yamada is being targeted  one after another

Chie:Yeah your right

Yu:but we still don't have a motive

Yosuke:I haven't quite figured that part out yet but if we don't start fitting together the few pieces we have it's possible that we're never gonna  get anywhere

Yukiko:wait a sec... I remember the door bell ringing then someone called for me but what I can't remember is who it was ... Sorry

Chie:you got no reason to apologize

Yu:we need to factor in what we see on the midnight channel to

Yosuke:that's true  you know thinking back it may have been trying to warn us as to who the next victim would be

Y/n:a warning then if that's the case then we should check the midnight channel every night it rains or there's a fog

Yu:yeah your right if it's a warning we should pay attention to it

Yosuke:alrighty then now that we're on the same page  you are all dismissed for the day

Chie:I was here all after Noon and I didn't study for a solid minute

The next few days nothing happens just school chie struggling yosuke getting mad and ripping his test only to receive another one then him just not showing up at all three of the friends didn't have a problem y/n yu and yukiko did well enough

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