Chapter 7: Found you

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Tyler POV

“We are in need of explanation! You see Alpha Tyler, your mate is in no man’s land, which basically means that they might encounter the rogues.”

One of the Alphas said while looking at me. We are now in the meeting here in Africa.

“Our Luna is the Captain of some soldiers group, they are part of the forces of WSF. That is all we managed to find.” Said by my Beta.

“Okay! We know that it is hard for you to talk about this, but you have to talk to us Alpha Tyler. She is your mate, even if she’s human, surely she share some information to you. Anything will help” said by the other Alpha
I sighed before answering him

“She is strong and smart. She somehow manage to find out that our pack is not just a simple human. She trained us to fight, but those training is harder that the training I took when I was training as the Alpha. I can say that on the first day of our training, no one in our pack can stand without whimpering.”
I said and smile. I suddenly remember her beautiful face.

“Did you think she know that you’re a werewolf?”

“No, I don’t think so.” I answered in a cold tone. Because if she know then she will ask questions

“Did you have anything that has her scent? I have a witch, she might locate them”

I nod at my Beta to give a go signal. He handed her clothe that I used to hug at night. I look at the Alphas in the room.

I know they are here because they want to make sure that they lend their hands in exchange of treaty. Afterall my pack is one of the strongest one in the history.

The witch started to murmur something, each minute is like forever. I am worried of my mate, she maybe is strong, but she is still a human. She can get hurt easily. After an hour the witch look at us and smile.

“Alpha your Luna is safe, they already contacted their parents. They are walking inside the no man’s land. I think they are doing their mission because some of the soldier is in the trees with a gun. And I think all of you must see what’s happening”

she said with a worried tone and that only makes my wolf growled louder, but I told him to be quite

“Please close your eyes. You might feel dizzy”

We all closed our eyes, in just a second I feel like my world is spinning. I open my eyes and saw my mate. She looks so beautiful even with the dirt in her face, and the clothes she is wearing. She still look so gorgeous.

“Captain! We are in position” one of the man said. They are using headset communicator. And because of our enhance hearing we can hear them

“Good! We need to finish this as soon as possible” my mate said with authority.

Shit! Mate is sexy and hot my wolf said and jump like a lunatic

“Eager to see your Alpha mate?” said by the man beside her

What? How did they know? All the Alphas look at me in confusion but when they saw that
I am confuse like them, they advert their eyes to look at my mate

“Oh come on! I know you feel the same too! Especially when you mate her the night before our mission! I know you Lex!” my mate said in a teasing tone.

“Yeah! But I don’t know how it works with werewolf”

So that only means that this guy has a different mate one of the Alpha said in the mindlink

“Well you don’t have to know idiot. Just finish the mission so we can all see our mate” my mate said and smile in my direction.

I look at the witch who smile at me and said not to worry because they cant see us. But I am sure that April just smile at me as if she knows that im here

“Guys 8.943 formation now”

My mate said and instantly all of them change their formation. Few of them climb the trees while the others hide their self in the grasses or rocks. My mate remain standing with two soldier besides her.

I heard rustling and saw rogues running towards them. I immediately stand in front of April to protect her.

“cute” she said and chuckle

I was about to look at her when I saw one of  the rogues make path to someone. All the Alphas growled seeing the guys in front of us. This guy is the most wanted rogue in the werewolf community.

He killed thousands of wolfs and burn several packs. All of us is in search for this bastard but we cant find him.

What the hell is he doing here? My wolf said while growling at the man in front of us

“What do we have here? The famous Captain April” he said while looking at my mate

“You know why I am here Alfonso” my mate said and starred at him

They know each other. How? My beta said

But I only look at them. I don’t even know the answer. And to think im her mate.

Looking at her I can tell the she knows about our kind. But why did she keep her mouth shut? Does she not want us?

Don’t think like that dumbass! She might have reasons, don’t doubt my mate. Ash, my wolf said while glaring at our mate

“This is your last warning Alfonso! Stop killing your own kind. We have so much things in our hand and we don’t need you adding it”

My mate said but Alfonso just laugh at her like lunatic from mental. One of the rogue fall on the ground and suddenly there is five of them with wounds in their forehead and blood running out of their head.

“I am not joking Alfonso. I know that we have boundaries, rules that we humans should not interfere with werewolves events. But I am now a Luna of Crescent Moon Pack. Those rogue attacks is your doing and I need you to stop.” My mate said with authority and power

“And what if I don’t stop. Do you think I’m afraid of you. Your just a human April”

“I thought I can talk to you! But you leave me no choice”  

  After my mate said those words. The rogues starts to fall to the ground one by one. Few of them start running towards my mate but before they can even near her they fall. Some of them start running away but they were shot dead by whoever doing it.

I heard my mate sighed and look at the dead rogues.

“I did warn their leader” my mate said with a sad tone

“Hahahaha! You didn’t spare them” said by the soldier in her left

“Why should I? They will only find another opportunity to attack other packs. Not to mention he wants my mate dead. As if I let him” my mate said while looking at the sky

The other soldier start to walk to her

“Captain were finish here! Can we go now? I miss my mate!” one of them said while the others nod in agreement

“Sure! Till the next mission” my mate said and out of nowhere they disappeared  liked they’re not here before

“Now! Mate why are you stalking me with the other Alphas?” she said and face to me

Shit! How did she know?



Hai guyssssss!!! Im so sorry for not updating for so long!

From now on i will make every chapter this long to make it up to you all

Hope your all safe!!!

Don't forget to vote because that is what makes me write more

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