Chapter 1: Thanos

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Marvel studios and Pixar animation studios presents 

A Joe and Anthony Russo film 

In space,April 2018

(Ship firing).


Ebony Maw: after the war's counting...for all those years.... and've be come Children of Thanos.

Thanos:(picks up Thor) after all those years....I finally return....turn legs to jelly...and for all this time....dread from it...destiny still arrives...and I find the stone.(shows Loki the power stone).

And now Thanos is with his children. Corvus Glaive..Proxima Midnight...Cull Obsidian...and Ebony Maw.

Thanos: The Stone...or your brother's Head.

Loki: I wouldn't...........kill away.

Thanos:(uses the gauntlet and uses the Power stone to kill Thor).


Loki: Alright stop!(let Thanos don't kill Thor).

Thor: we don't have the was Destroy in Asgard.

Loki:(shows the tesseract).

Thor: your the worst brother ever.

Thanos: you never failed from Asgard.

Loki: by the way...I'm not Asgardian...and for another....we hav the Hulk.

Hulk:(Roars and Attack Thanos).

When Hulk is fighting Thanos,he fight the fights him back and he slammed him to the ground.

Thor:(tried to attack Thanos).

Ebony Maw:(uses his gravity powers and uses the metal to trap Thor).

Hemidall: All fathers......send are Midgaurd.(uses his sword send hulk to earth).

Thanos:(get Corvus Glaive's staff)...that was a mistake..(stabbed Hemidall).

Thor: No!


Thor: your gonna die for that.(gets his mouth covered).

Thanos:(takes off his armor).

Ebony Maw:(picks up the tesseract) after everything of destruction and one have collected 2 infinity destroy the world.

Thanos:(breaks the tesseract and gets the space stone and puts it on the gauntlet). There's 2 more stones on earth....find them my children.

Promixa Midnight: we will...Father....and never fail you.

Loki: actually..I wanna say about something....All mighty Thanos...I'm Loki...prince of Asgard....Odinson....son of layfey god of mischief....did you even know about that...before I do.(tried to kill Thanos with a battle knife and he got block by the space stone).

Thanos: I'll never forget you.(grabs Loki's neck and chocks him).

Loki: you'll....will never be....a god.(dies).

Thor: no!

Thanos:(drops Loki). It ends here.(uses the power stone and destroy the ship and uses the Space stone to escape along with his children).

Thor:(breaks free)

(Ship blows up).

(Bifrost birdge opening).

Doctor Strange: seriously..we didn't make any money...we need to get more time to get the money.

Wong: hold on..(grabs money) we only made have one.

Doctor Strange: thousands.

Wong: half of the money.

Doctor Strange: which is.

Wong: Half of a buck. It still needs more time.

(Bifrost Bridge opens and Doctor Strange and Wong go check).

Bruce Banner:(grunts) Thanos is coming.....he's coming.

Doctor Strange: Who?

Futuristic Four: Infinity War

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