" You think you know everything, Potter, huh?" she asked deathly calm, and she could tell he already regretted his actions but she didn't give a damn, " You think you got me all figured out, but you don't,"

She reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt, causing him to fall at her feet and stare directly up at her. She got scarily close to his face to the point she could feel his breath hitting her, " You think you're the only one who lost someone to that bastard?" she seethed, unblinking.

She pushed him back and he fell in the snow, " You want to keep jumping to conclusions then you go right on ahead, but if you want to stop talking out of your fucking ass why don't you go ask Lupin about Evelyn Truelove,"

She spun on her heel and looked behind her, " You can go fuck yourself," she hissed before heading back towards the castle.


Eurielle watched the water drain at her feet, He knew now. If being practically molested by Benjamin hadn't been great enough this was the cherry on top of the fucking cake.

" He just wanted to fuck me," she whispered, her own voice falling deaf to her ears due to the water hitting the tile.

" People are dead because of my dad,"

Her hands went to her chest and she sighed before turning the water's heat up, " I feel disgusting,"


Her parents had urged her to stay at Hogwart's for Christmas because of the whole Sirius Black thing and she didn't want to fight them so she agreed, sending them presents via owl.

She didn't mind all that much, she liked being alone...

She could wander the castle without worrying about people or teachers, she could just relax. It was Monday and all the students had left but not before Benjamin could tell everyone about their date and how he had gotten to third base with her.

Which people automatically believed because they had seen her at Hogsmeade with him, but she couldn't let herself care.

Eurielle found herself walking down the corridor that led to the owlrey but wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone, " Oh- excuse me I... oh good morning Professor,"

Lupin looked at her a letter in his hand that read ' Lindsey Truelove', " Good morning," he said kindly.

" I see your sending her a Christmas letter," she said, her eyes not leaving his.

He nodded, " Erm, yes... I thought about what you said, anyway how are your lessons with Flitwick going," he asked, trying to change the subject but she wouldn't let him.

" Easy," she said, " I have a question Professor,"

He almost seemed to smile, " Yes what is it?"

She raised a dark brow before continuing, " Why didn't you ever visit..." she trailed off, her eyes going to the mountains in the distance, " Why didn't you ever visit me? Or even Potter?"

Lupin swallowed, his face was one of shame and he walked over to the large paneless window of the corridor, " I was depressed," he said simply, already knowing she would be able to see through his lie, much like her mother would have been able too, ", And selfish- I thought you two would have better lives without me in them, a reminder of what you both lost,"

She stood beside him," That was very stupid of you professor," she said, " You were a friend of my mother's, which means you are someone who is worth having in my life,"

Remus lowered his head, " I loved Evelyn very much," he began, " I still do, she was one of the kindest people to walk the planet, she had a way of bringing out the best of people. I can't count the number of times I had seen her do it,"

Eurielle nodded, " I'm guessing she didn't care," she whispered with a knowing look in her eye, " Don't worry professor, your secret is safe with me,"

Remus blanched, " D-did your grandmother tell you?" he murmured, his face going pale.

Eurielle laughed, " My nana has a big mouth professor, but not that big,"

An uneasy smile graced Lupin's face, " I suppose you are your mother's daughter, but when did you figure it out?"

Eurielle thought back to when Snape assigned the essay and laughed slightly, " When Snape taught your class, I reckon you, me, and Potter are on his hit list, huh?"

Remus scoffed, " That's an understatement... I have a question for you as well,"

She looked up, her curls billowing in the chilly breeze, " Hm?"

" Do you hate me, Eurielle?" he asked, almost afriad of her answer.

She smiled, " I never did,"  she said picking a spitting piece of wood, " I was just pissed off and wanted you to explain yourself, and here we are,"

Lupin let out a warm laugh, " Yes," he said in a matter of fact tone," You are your mother's daughter,"

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