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•°The next day°•

I walk down the stairs to find my dad on the phone "Uh huh, Yes. Tomorrow? During a school day? It's a good thing I have off tomorrow...alright. See you tomorrow. Bye" my dad hangs up the phone and looks at me "Who was it?" I ask "It was Dylan, he set up a meeting at the school about enrolling you and see if they can give support" my dad replies and I couldn't help but smile "So cool" I squeal "It's not too late to back out, we can just hire someone" my dad walks over to the kitchen to make a sandwich "And miss the best years of my life, no thanks. I already missed freshman year, and that was one of the many milestones that I didn't get to experience" I sit on a stool next to the table and take out my phone to go through old pictures "Just promise me that you'll tell me everything that goes on in that school" my dad sits next to me and starts eating half a his sandwich, I look over behind him "What's that?" I said and my dad looks away. As he is distracted, I take a quick bite out of the other half of his sandwich and place it back from where I took it and my dad looks back a me and smiles "Hah, good one" he moves is plate further away from me and I giggle.

{Oliver's P.O.V.}
"You will never guess what I over heard with the principal and this other guy" Cooper runs up to me in excitement. I close my locker and try to guess "The principal is finally making me a recommendation letter to Harvard?" I smile "No, even better" Cooper gives a big smile "Well spit it out" I told him "We might get a new kid" he said and I raised an eyebrow "How is that better than Harvard?" I ask "If I'm correct, this new kid needs some help with a few things, if you try you can help them out and put that on your application" Cooper and I start walking to class "That's perfect, with Teen Help Line and this new kid with tutoring , I will definitely get accepted to college of my dreams" I smile at the thought "Heard that they will be here tomorrow for some meeting, if we're lucky, we can possibly meet them"

TEEN HELP LINE // Oliver Otto x Reader//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang