{21} Your Best Friend(s)

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Ken has and will always be your best friend since he was the one who got you and Ryu together in the first place. You also get along with Sakura.

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You get along well with Ryu and sometimes chat with him whenever you run into him. You're also good friends with Chun-Li.

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Cammy is your best friend and you like to spend time with her and Chun-Li. You're also friends with Guile, but you two rarely chat.

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Before his death, you were very close with Charlie Nash and would often comment that you would have never met Guile if it wasn't for him.

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Chun-Li was always your best friend and you often work along with her during missions, though this is rare. You also talk to Decapre from time to time.

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You are friends with Guile and sometimes chat with him regarding information about M. Bison and/or Shadaloo. You also like talking with Zangief.

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Despite having to run from her, you do like to talk with Chun-Li whenever you have the chance.

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Ryu is your very close friend and you often train or chat with him whenever you run into him. You're also close with Guy.

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Unsurprisingly to most, you are best friends with Juri as she is pretty much the only person who doesn't always talk about herself 24/7.

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You and Alex are pretty close friends, despite not speaking much after your first meeting.

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Hokuto was one of your closest friends during your time in Japan and would often trained and talked with each other (usually about Kairi).

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