What to do now

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(Ben's P.O.V)
     I just sat with slender for what felt like hours crying until my eyes were sore. The minutes blurred together as cried. It's not that I even stopped crying I just ran out of tears. Slender just continued to hold me. "I- I just don't know what to do" was all I could manage to say at that moment. " Can you tell me what happened?" Slender asked me gently in a fatherly tone. "Jeff found me in heat and..." I meekly said. Slender stayed silent waiting for me to be comfortable to say more. "He and I slept together and.. he claimed me"I could not look at slender as I said it. I could bear to look at his face when I told him. "I see" he said in a clear voice. "I'm guessing due to the heat pheromones you two didn't use protection" I could feel his eyes on me as he said it. Jeff had came inside me and I'm not on any birth control. All I could say was "what can I do?". Slender just said " if your pregnant you have to wait to take a test" he paused " if you are... in the case were you chose to keep the child it could be very risky as claimed omegas need their alphas to maintain their health especially when they are expecting" I need Jeff? I need him to stay healthy? "What do you mean?" I asked him. He gave me a puzzled look and said " Omegas need to be scented by their alphas or they're health will decline I see the bags under your eyes and I can tell you're feeling under the weather already it's because of the claim he placed on you". I had no idea that a claim would cause this. "What do I do?". Slender paused and gave me an answer I wasn't sure about "you need to get on good terms with Jeff, he needs to take responsibility for claiming you heat or no heat claiming is a serious aspect of life along with a potential child". I simply nodded my head I didn't want to have to give a response. Then I realized I don't know how I would handle a pregnancy I don't even know when to take a test. "When would I be able to tell if I'm pregnant?" Slender said " depending on the test and how long ago you two had carnal relations any where between the next 3-5 days" I don't know if I can wait that long to find out. "Is there anyway to tell now?" I asked. Slender after taking a moment to think " you could try to test now though it might be inconclusive". "I want to test now" I responded  quickly. Slender nodded his head and told me he would get me one. I decided to wait at the house to think while he want to get the test.
New incoming message from: Jeff🔪: we need to talk. Soon.
I felt my chest tighten as I read the message. I'd message him after the pregnancy test. I just needed to do everything one step at a time. When slender came back he handed me the pink box and gestured for me to go to the bathroom.
       Three minutes the box said I had to wait three minutes to get a result for the test. Two lines is a positive. I didn't want to look but I had to I needed to know. So I waited the three minutes. They were pure torture all these variables ran through my mind until the timer went off.  My hands shook as I picked up the test. Two lines stared back at me. This feeling of both happiness and dread flooded my system. I heard slender knock at the bathroom door. "Ben is everything alright in there?" He asked me gently. "I'm pregnant" is all I said before coming out. "What do you want to do?" I didn't even think I just said " I'm keeping my baby". Slender gave me a small smile and simply said "congratulations". I smiled back at him knowing I wasn't in this alone because I had my friends to help me but, I knew I had to tell Jeff.
Ben: I'm pregnant (delivered)

Ben drowned x Jeff the killer حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن